That stuff is no joke. I don't care about celebs, but women die in droves for not being vigilant.
Doesn't matter at this point. We're at the last stretch. Either Q is right or the anger prevails. Either way, I'm happy.
I don't even think they believe that. They're just here to muddy the waters and scare off newfags. And give the media an excuse to write hit pieces.
I can't exactly disagree. It's bound to attract certain groups. But Q's schtick has always been nuanced. There are multiple groups. Just like the Mafia. We don't just talk about Myer Lansky when discussing their origins. It's Lucky Luciano and the Irish as well. Same goes with this.
Never bought into this. "No outside comms…"
But anons keep chasing for more comms… for some reason.
You're saying I'm a Jew now too? Kek. Great. Maybe I am. Boo!
I'm only here to dig on Q drops. I don't need to prove anything. It's outside of my jurisdiction.
Yes, but also a warning of secondary sources and "special" faggots who think they have an inside line. They don't. He's never promoted any of them.
This is also pertinent to the current AJ shilling. He's the biggest exemplar of trying to pull this shit with his "Zack" source.
Thanks anon. You had church at the beach?
Flynn has never dropped intel. Just support.
Awesome. I'm nowhere near the ocean. Jealous.
I don't know what to make of him tbh.
I just think he has bad takes. I don't know if he's a shill. His financial news is especially stupid. All of it hinges on this idea that we have a fake economy. That Trump's "magic wand" is just manipulation - the same manipulation Obama had. Which makes Trump a deceptive asshole and just as bad as Obama.
Same with the others. Florida seemed especially a mess. People saw multiple shooters.
This is the one main thing I'll disagree with Q about. I think they can handle it. I remembered being crushed the first time the Wikileaks dropped, but I didn't kill myself. I was ready to fight. I'm not special. I think a lot of people have that in them.