Ammo has been over-priced for years. It is out there. you just have to pay way more for it,
you dont even post the twat!
herd immunity. covid+ is revealed by then to be common cold to chinkbatflu.
2021 vanglorious!!!
did you see the report that "survivors" had "severe damage" to up to 70% of their heart.
Sample was atheletes. No mention if their heart were already messed up from PED's.
vomiting had to be misdirection included to make perps think it was not flu or pnumonia!
this man is all the proof you need to know how fucked the swamp is. he was a huge DNC strategist and his wife was for the RNC.
Both sides covered.
any symptom could be covid…..what a shitshow.
i think US Military caught the swamp and flipped it on them. Using the cold to sow the whole USA what scum the swamp is.
wow. She styles her hair like Ramen as a nod to her heeb-chink handlers!!!
pure brilliance.