Bill Gates? Who would've thunk it. 'Please use #SaveOurChildren instead!'
Moar on Save the Children Association (Switzerland) [And WW members]
Australia, partnered with theGreen Climate Fund, also has a sponsorship program through UNSW
Student Action Group for children in Nepal (Embeded):
Sauce: https://www.scaunsw.com/about-us AND https://www.scaunsw.com/sponsorships
Switzerland: 'Umbrella' Save The Children Association
Financial Report 2019:
-Embeds: Save the Children Network and Map of work in 2019
International, org. savethechildren.org:
Their sponsorship pages... made me need a lie down.
"Find your Child" search engine to find the perfect fit for your 'donation'
Sauce: https://support.savethechildren.org/site/SPageNavigator/sponsorship.html#!/
All I can do tonight/this AM.