01-0041 USAF C-40B departed JBA to the ne across the pond.
This is a State Dept. AC
01-0041 USAF C-40B departed JBA to the ne across the pond.
This is a State Dept. AC
just left Warsaw
SAM161 USAF C-32A departed Vienna, Austria-Int'l Airport earlier and now now departing Warsaw, Poland-Chopin Airport to the west
Belgian AF BAF70 Falcon 7X departed Chateauroux Airport (in the heart of Rothy-land France-Loire Valley) back to Brussels.
This is the completion of a second round trip today
AF2 USAF VIP C-32A departing JBA to the sw
Using the AC normally used by KANSAS and the State Dept.
KANSAS departed Warsaw in 98-0001 C-32A which is used primarlity as AF@
whine somewhere else
you want a bun from the other bred?
02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B departed NAS Oceana after a ground stop-prior gs at Ft. Bragg, NC with an origin of Eglin AFB, FL
AF2 USAF C-40B froze at about 8k/ft on descent just nw of Roanoke , VA and Pence's twatter has nuffin
good here, movie night at a frens later
>can you do?
sure-that's in 2 hours
not going outside much today so will do if no coverage-it's sat so there should be.
>There's like, 3 oldfags left here and we all know how
theres the tell
keep thinking that though