That document someone posted earlier from a Tim Mann (or something Mann).. Hollywood writer supposedly turned Q adherent.. is complete horseshit. Almost immediately, he tries to lead you away from Christ and starts spouting some Graham Hancock alternate history crap.
I wouldn't be surprised at this point if the Democrats full on came out and wanted to reenact segregation.
No. They just rebranded her. Because Infowars is cancer.
>oh yes. they all are, right buddy?
How many times do have to go through this? Seriously. It's like reinventing the wheel. These new faggots need to lurk.
Personally, I like it more than the GA, but I'm trying to play nice for now.
Nah. White kids speaking up in the name of Blacks are far worse.
I don't trust Poppadop one bit.
Shoulda been Plan A.
Hunting sounds cooler. Lets just go with that. Why are you guys getting bogged down on this?
Overpriced. Always lagging behind PC equivalents a whole gen, because of Apple QA.
True enough. They make nice enclosures all around. Although I think they actually canceled the XServes. If DNC was using one, it was probably quite old.
I barely have even gone anywhere and wouldn't be surprised if I tested positive.
Lets not take the chance.
Nice quads. He's probably just their tool and too stupid to know it. He's beholden to Big Pharma first. But Big Pharma answers to someone else.
Nice dubs. But that's a fact. It's as easy as looking at spec sheets.
I think it might not be the case with Apple moving to their own CPU soon though (at least for consumer machines).
Didn't expect an Apple cultist here. But whatever. Join the party.
Dude. Even Apple is dropping Intel and going to their own chips. It's a shitshow by their own admission. Keep up.
It's whatever they need it to be to spark fear.
If that's real, the cameraman is still a retard. Why is he shaking around, zooming out, and not staying on target?
The hardcore bikers are not anyone's friend anyways. They're criminals and degenerates. Half of them in the early days were ex-GIs who were pissed about Vietnam and pretty much vowed to not live for anyone but themselves (hard to blame them somewhat).
No. It's still used on actual faggots. Even faggots will use it on themselves.
I wish we could move on from AJ already. The other shills you mentioned need attention too. I see more anons taken in by other eceleb faggots like that than anything Infowars these days.
Einstein Bros is pretty popular/install in military BXes and the like. Not sure it's nefarious. Unless of course "muhjew".
Oops, replied to wrong post.
I do my part. But I don't have a youtube channel or anything (and don't plan to). Hard to counteract faggots with that type of bullhorn.
I'm a bitter oldfag. I don't care for the GA, but know there isn't anything better.