Anonymous ID: dd396c Aug. 15, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.10296584   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6598


Spent a while writing that didn’t you?

Man I miss the old DS creeps, blue eyed Shriners that smelled like a dive bat, at least those creepy fuckers would look you in the eye, they had balls back then, throw you up against the wall screaming “That’s the way it is kid, now shut the fuck up!”

The DS really screwed the pooch when theY went virtual, now they can’t get a field clown that’s worth the powder to blow to hell. That’s what happens when you have to dumb down assets because everything yoU work and fight for is a big pile of shit full of obvious lies. These millennial balding nerds that couldn’t get laid in a woman’s prison with a handful of pardons. There adherence to the “new age” faggot Rockefeller soy soup leaves them with no men capable of any intel op worth a dam, debased automatons can’t do anything in the real world.