"WhiteHelmets","Moderate Rebels", what ever the name is du jour, it is becoming more clear that there is a LOT more here about the so-called "moderates" My thoughts:
Think logically.
Who has the most to gain by contining the war in Syria?
USA? - It no longer is w/ new POTUS, BUT it probably has been the prior 6-7 years through weapon sales, oil grabs, the list is probably endless. And to prop up Hussein who supposedly negotiated w/ PUTIN for him to remove all the chems. Where are those chems now one would ask, but that's getting off topic.
Russia? - I think that game was over after DJT was elected. It's always about the $$ and if Russia could assist Assad during the last 6-7 years then Assad paid the vig for their protection. The US allowed Russian assistance and made minimal attempts in getting directly involved except thru back channels (probably noname and others) to fund weapons and fake "moderate rebel resistence". But what is hiddend here is in fact, these "moderate" rebels were attempting a coup of the Assad government w/ US/EU/all middle east proxies' assistance. This so reminds of the Shah of Iran's doom, but on a much larger scale.
Iran? - Iran failed to get Iraq. So let's cozy up w/ Turkey - an Iranian border state. These two countries have a widely known warm relationsip - look it up. Where is Turkey in relation to Syria - it abutts Syria's norther border. What's located in Syria's northern region - Oil? Why has the US been holding this region for quite some time (and don't read a WP article on this - biased/untrue) before POTUS? $$$
What has changed - US no longer want's to hold Syria's northern region of oil as hostage.
What has changed - Russia no longer has an interest in helping Assad ad. infinitum b/c of new POTUS/i.e a lack of supportPUTIN would have received if HRC had been POTUS and US continued funding of "moderate rebs".
What I believe,is that the US and Russia see the detriment of both sides pulling out at once - and both TOO letting the "moderate" rebels (ISIS, Al Queda, etc) move in and create Iran 2.0
UK? - Tough nugget to crack here. Think there are some bad actors that T.MAY has yet to weed out and also believe she has become ineffective. A lot of stains in the UK right now. Anti-Brexit is alive and well in the UK like it is here via POTUS. May, I think has a good heart, but not up to the job/bad advisors/who knows. Seems like her immediate intel, like our POTUS immediate intel (Comey,Brennan, et.al) was tainted. Difference is now, May, trusted, but did not verify vs. our POTUS.
The pics I posted are just as a reference as I looked back on Q's post's to now.
Sauce and relevant quotes of today 4/13/18 - Luck Friday 4/13/18
4/13/18 MOSCOW – The Russian Defense Ministry on Friday accused Britain of staging a fake chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma last weekend, a bold charge that comes amid Moscow's stern warnings to the West against striking Syria
4/13/18 The UK's Foreign Office says Moscow’s accusation that Britain directed the attack on Douma is “ludicrous”. A spokesman says:
4/13/18 US Amb Nikki Halley at the UN 4/13/18 regarding Syria
“If you rush decisions like this, you make a mistake," Haley said just before a UN Security Council meeting.."
4/13/18 Haley also confirmed she was heading back to Washington, D.C., for more meetings about Syria at the White House.
https:// www.theguardian.com/world/live/2018/apr/13/syria-crisis-corbyn-accuses-may-of-waiting-for-trumps-instructions-live-updates
http:// abcnews.go.com/Politics/nikki-haley-defends-time-spent-deciding-syria-strike/story?id=54447300
https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-accuses-uk-of-staging-fake-chemical-attack-syria/
http:// 21stcenturywire.com/2017/12/02/white-helmets-local-councils-uk-fco-financing-terrorism-syria-taxpayer-funds/