Forget Syria. Let's figure out the equivalent of missile strikes against asshats in government, Cabal bankers and MSM who continually attack US citizens with poisonous ideas and activities.
Maybe the whole derivative trading casino is how the Cabal launders money.
Forget Syria. Let's figure out the equivalent of missile strikes against asshats in government, Cabal bankers and MSM who continually attack US citizens with poisonous ideas and activities.
There's nothing new in Nunes breaking announcement–we already knew FBI asshats asked UK intelligence to spy on Trump and share the info.
So now the Plan backtracks 3 steps and we are supposed to celebrate "winning"? At this rate Barron's daughter will be running for President and not a cupful of muck will have been removed from the swamp,
Articles not filed, may never be brought to committee.
"One source who spoke to Rosenstein said he seemed fully aware he may soon lose his job and was at peace with the possibility, confident he had done his job with integrity."
Wonder what the RR definition of "integrity" is?