Reposting from this afternoon b/c it got no traction. Amended it a bit too.
Thank you to the kind anon who found it interesting enough to keep pushing. I'm no insider though lol.
Even if the Comey apple story is fake and gay, I believe it was still meant for us to dig on.
Hannity the other night.
3 crime family maps.
Godfather 3?
God A Higher Loyalty?
Godfather 3.
Mueller (Bush)?
Comey (Hussein)?
3 parties running the show.
3 parties = the Triumvirate.
Death to the Triumvirate (DTTT).
Q told DTTT to pick up his phone.
Q gave DTTT a code:
>Darling Jackson Yellow Apple
>[1,…,x] j6xa2
Yellow Apple.
Golden Delicious.
Other Q drop:
>Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]
Yellow Apple mentioned in the Comey "excerpt."
Golden Delicious.
Golden Showers?
Comey reference to mob bosses.
Comey prosecuted?
Crime families?
Jim, if you're out there, do like this anon says: >>1029650
Give us anons the real story, not the Snuffaluffagus version. Send us the book with a message. We will decode.