We don't hate any group, we just hate the subversion that many jews perpetrate against the West. Legitimate criticism of Israel and jews is not hate. The more the shills try to equate legitimate criticism to Israel and jews to hate and “white-supremacy”, the more they show bystanders of how much dishonest and subversive they are.
Off course there are good jews that are against the subversion of the West being perpetrated by the cabal, Israel and the Sayanim.
Good jews of good faith admit that the “anti-semitic trick” and the Sayanim (non-Israeli jews that feed the Mossad intel, give logistical support to Mossad's operatives and take orders from the Mossad's War Department to assassinate the character of targets of the Mossad with accusations of “anti-semitism”) exist AND ADMIT that it is important to discuss those issues and bring awareness to their existence to the general population because the “anti-semitic trick” and the Sayanim are two of the MOST IMPORTANT TOOLS OF SUBVERSION that the cabal is using right now to try to destroy the West.
“It's all about the individual.
Good decent black people don't act like niggers, and speak out against niggerdom. As a result niggers ostracize them and call them "Uncle Tom's" who are "acting white", when they are actually just acting like normal decent human beings.
Likewise, good decent jewish people don't act like kikes, and speak out against kikery. As a result kikes ostracize them and call them "self-hating jews", when it's actually just evil they're hating, not their own blood.
The group matters not, just the actions of the individual.
That said, it is disappointing how few good decent jewish people there are! The qualifications are very simple: don't act like a kike, and speak out against kikery in all its evil. It's not rocket science, but most jews choose tribal loyalty over being good and decent, and that's what makes them kikes. Sad.
If any kike reads this, know that you are very welcome to stop being a kike and making excuses for kikery and join the human race! Do it any time it's convenient, we are happy for your assistance in taking down evil as soon as you are ready.”
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtBF6MxquWI
“Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)” - 3min
Sayanim are non-Israeli or dual citizenship jews that colaborate with Mossad. Sayanim take their orders from the Mossad's War Department.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqhi16iikxk
“Israel's Internet Censorship War” - 14min
A concise, yet detailed overview of all kinds of Israel's internet censorship and social engineering. Relates to Wikipedia and Israel's use of non-Israeli jews to act in favor of Israel (relates to Mossad word wide helpers (Sayanim) theme).
Also shows how Israel instructe it's subversive agents operating in the West to try to relate all criticism of Israel to white-supremacy.
Shows that in 2016 Fortune magazine reported that Google, Facebook and Youtube comply with up to 95% of Israel's requests to delete content critical of Israel, justifying with “it's content that incites Palestinian violence”.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0kWAqZxJVE
"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it" - 1min
Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni tells the truth about the “anti-semitic trick”.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyJYwCZOCD4
“Ex-mossad agent explains the "anti-semite" trick” - 1min
Ex-mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky explains the "anti-semite" trick – how jews conspire together to silence critics of israel, jews and zionism.