Been telling these folks to shed the passivity and go on the offensive against these (((shills))).
(((shills))) need gassing, normies need tough loves.
Gloves come off.
Been telling these folks to shed the passivity and go on the offensive against these (((shills))).
(((shills))) need gassing, normies need tough loves.
Gloves come off.
Take note above at the ID's, tagged anons. (((kike shills))) present. Pushing degeneracy and fucking weak ass pro-kike bullshit through various 'subversion' attempts.
They are in the killbox.
Gas these fucking retards, move on and DIG DIG DIG.
These faggots (((glow harder))) than fucking AIM or SES (((shills))).
>Disinfo is necessary.
As far as we are concerned, this is a multigenerational project.
Think reversal of 'business cycles'.
We will KILL the ((cabal)) influence in this world, combined with (((kike))) and (((sandnigger))) bullshit that has infected it.
Look at these (((shills))) trying to subvert the MAGA and WW push back by using Q words as (((they))) PROJECT.
>muh racism
>muh bigotry.
Q team and Patriots LAUGH at your juvenile tricks. LOL.
Guess who denied tesla further financial support while cannibalizing and sucking away his entire life's work?