Anonymous ID: 4d571b Aug. 15, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.10301793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1811 >>2178 >>2212

America (& the world) is moving towards the gold standard, hence Judy Shelton being nominated to the Federal Reserve. Judy worked on the Sound Money Project and is a strong advocate for free markets and honest money (gold & silver), which are required for capitalism to function. The butthurt was blatant as Judy recently passed the vote in the Senate Banking Committee (13 republicans vs 12 dems) and now will be confirmed on the Senate floor. Gold & silver are the only true money in a world of fiat currency. Currency used to be a promise of money in the vault (gold & silver), but now it is simply a promissory debt note issued by central banks who answer to the Rothschilds (own the Bank of International Settlements). Blockchain currencies also have no inherent value & the overall pool of blockchains continues to grow rapidly.


The President has been a lifelong supporter of sound money and free markets. He trusts that America will not only compete, but excel when operating on a level playing field. The American Spirit is the most innovative in the world and our President has proved it throughout his career as a Great American Citizen. President Trump's Grandpa originally attempted to participate in the gold rush as a miner, but it didn't work out for him. He changed his strategy and opened a hotel to sell rooms to the miners instead. Today the Trump estate spans the world and provides us with the world's very best golf courses and hotels (Pic 2: Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeenshire, Scotland). It just so happens that the Trump Organization also bought the original Federal Reserve building, which has the vaults that were used to house our Great Nation's gold & silver.


In 2015/16 interview, Citizen Trump was asked the question, "Can you envision a scenario that this country will ever go back to a gold standard?"

Citizen Trump responded "There's something very nice about having something solid. You know, we used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on the gold standard. We don't have that anymore. There is something very nice about the concept of that. It would be very, very hard to do at this point and one of the problems is we don't have the gold… other places have the gold." Thanks to the President & Patriots, we do now. (Even if simply locating where deepstate elites are stashing the gold & silver for future confiscation after proven guilty of corruption.)


Kitco interview clip (original video not available):

Anonymous ID: 4d571b Aug. 15, 2020, 5:31 p.m. No.10301811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2212


The Executive Order passed by the Trump administration allows for the freezing &/or confiscation of funds of any entity participating in extreme human abuses or endangering the global economic system. The deepstate "elite" gained large quantities of precious metal/wealth through corruption and if found guilty, should have their metal given to the Treasury to help back America's next system. For example, JP Morgan Bank has the world's largest stockpile of silver in its house account and has been labeled a criminal cabal by the DOJ. This physical silver stash was gained through fraudulent manipulation of the silver market by flooding the market with "paper metal" contracts so the bank could buy physical silver at the suppressed price. The more perverted the silver market becomes with the flood of fake paper silver supply, the more the bank stands to profit from their physical metal hoard after the suppression scheme ends/breaks. (JP Morgan is the custodian (metal vaulter) for SLV, which is the largest paper silver ETF.) JP Morgan's fraudulently acquired silver would greatly help to back America's coming economic system if confiscated from this criminal cabal. All innocent citizens that did not commit severe human abuses or endanger the global economic system will keep what is theirs, possibly leading to the creation of a new wealthy class. Hopefully these citizens will use their wealth to create a brighter future instead of a communist shithole as desired by the deepstate & banksters. Since most citizens will not commit to actually getting precious metal themselves, the good guys in government will get it for them by backing the currency with metal. The average citizen will then be positioned into metal by default. Even those who have nothing in this system will benefit from the transition because at least they will be on a fair playing field now.


Initially during the transition to sound money, America may need to transparently vault the gold & silver it holds at the Treasury before going fully convertible. The free market may need a little time to find the true honest weights and measures of goods while avoiding deepstate schemes to bleed the vault dry. Judy Shelton brought up the possibility of a gold backed bonds that would be fully convertable. She also brought up the concept of putting the vaulted precious metal on a Treasury blockchain. Today's world needs an efficiently method of transacting precious metal and that's where blockchain becomes a useful tool. A gold backed Treasury blockchain allows for people to easily make payments in a digital world. It also allows the user to pay with extremely small increments of gold & silver (there as a lot less physical precious metal than the fake paper supply leads people to believe…this issue simply resolved through pricing). This scenario also gives citizens the option to save in physical metal privately and avoid the system if they don't trust the government. This option to opt out is extremely important and allows the system to be voluntary. A fiat government blockchain would simply be a means to oppress or prolong a dying system. Whenever a person is paid, they can convert their paychecks to physical metal in the free market (maybe keeping some gold backed currency for daily bills). While the citizens can choose to use physical metal to avoid the government system, the taxes would be payed in the gold backed blockchain (which you could exchange for your physical at a bank/exchange when paying taxes). The gold standard forces the government to balance its budget and keeps it from digging the country into debt. With the government on a gold backed blockchain, the citizens can account for how their taxes are being spent. Some of the budget may need to be veiled behind "military funding" to maintain national security, but the citizens should otherwise be assured that their taxes are being efficiently spent and not funding the swamp.


(Gold and Government by Judy Shelton)


The people of the world have made the mistake of straying away from sound money 1000's of times and it has never once succeeded. After every monetary failure/scheme, the people are forced to revert back to true money (gold & silver). This occurs whether they choose to as responsible adults or when Mother Nature forces it upon them. Thank God, we have a President that is perfect suited for transitioning our country into an honest system .The President has stated many times, "They wanted to turn us into Venezuela". The President is right, but fortunately he will not allow it to happen.