Isn't he not speaking at Gettysburg though? Can you imagine if whatever reason Lincoln (alive and well) walked up to a live mic and say "Hello Cher I support potus".
When I saw that Arthur pc video I thought okay time to defund anon.
Can someone make a Chris Hansen meme sitting down with Pelosi?
Taylor Swift: Trump's 'calculated dismantling' of USPS proves he's trying to 'blatantly cheat' election (via The Hill)
It's also trending on tw^tter
kek! read that in her voice
[DS] Comms?
Maybe he tried to same himself? Who knows anon
Did Q ever say what the envelopes really said? Or are we left to guess?
Exactly why did potus say we will be adding her to the new national park of heroes that he made comments on at Mt. Rushmore?
Simply meaning indictments incoming?
Agreed. When this is all over, (whenever that is) this is going to be a HUGE book.
Just thought it might be notable is all
Counter what they and [DS] did/are doing? Didn't HRC and Obama get one as well?
Okay but there were just 4 the other day (and it was all the same family) when they put in the Quarantine zones.. wtf
Just simply need to move the todays "history" books to the fiction section and add accurate books to the history section.
thought that it reminded anon as well
She used to have good music until she started being so pc
Now hollywood= all pc and [DS] imo
What if he does it in October?
Although James Woods have some hilarious tweets.
No no it's Rachel Madcow
No of course not. Orange man bad right?
Key word used to. More awake now.
Imagine if the accurate history books are actually all ready to go once the storm has passed.
I wonder if the potus suggestion about a pardon to Snowden is the big drop that was supposed to come today/August 15th?
1984 as well. I don't think it's a kind word but not illegal imo
Patriots prepping to feed american public or [DS] running for the hills?
wherel can anons buy his ties? Damn nice ties. Trump store?
damnit *where
Could've sworn a few anons were going August 15th a few weeks ago. Yes you are correct though future proves past.
What makes you say that?
Other than dnc next week
If that isn't a wake up call to almost awake sheep idk what is.
20th= New ticket for dnc?
He had a blue one awhile back a striped one or something to that likeness. I liked that one. I think he wears it occasionally now. Yes very expensive but good ties nonetheless. The purple one today looked great.
Indeed. Speculation= before/after election/next year for this anon. Don't want to get hopes up. Sometimes it's nice to sit back and just watch the movie. Didn't Q say something like that? Sit back and enjoy? Anon could be wrong. However things seem to be moving along regardless.
Scary. I would hope every time that potus mentions the vaccine he isn't talking about forcing everyone (average american citizens) to get one. He's merely saying Boo! to [DS].
Assuming that then we as anons home for 66 days? Message understood or misinterpreted?
Just like that maybe some more sheep will wake up. We forgive you it's okay.