Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.10303115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3132 >>3226 >>3412 >>3524 >>3557 >>3658 >>3707 >>3734 >>3766 >>3778




Melissa Reins Lively

ART guy connections



Collector's eye: Jorge Pérez

Art lovers tell us what they’ve bought and why



6th December 2018 20:49 BST


The billionaire real estate developer and art collector Jorge Pérez and his wife Darlene Boytell-Pérez have more than 1,000 works by contemporary and Modern Latin American artists, including Roberto Matta, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Over the last decade, the Buenos Aires-born collector has made significant donations to the Pérez Art Museum, Miami (Pamm), the Herzog & de Meuron-designed museum on Biscayne Bay that was renamed in 2013 in recognition of his contributions. In 2016, Pérez gave the museum $10m, along with more than 200 works of art from his collection. Last year, he helped to launch Pamm’s Latin American and Latinx Art Fund, an initiative created to support the museum’s future exhibitions and programming. Pérez also supports the National YoungArts Foundation, the Frost Art Museum at Florida International University and the Miami International Film Festival.


The Art Newspaper: What was the first work you bought?


Jorge Pérez: A lithograph by Man Ray that I purchased in 1970 with the winnings of a dorm room poker game in college—a payout that kicked off my lifelong passion for collecting. The piece still hangs in my office, a daily reminder of where I started and why I collect art.


What is your most recent buy?


A neon by Hank Willis Thomas.


What is your preferred way of buying art?


I prefer galleries I have an established relationship with and who represent my favourite artists. Working with local galleries also allows me the opportunity to communicate with the artists themselves, which is priceless. Sometimes I buy from the auction houses, especially if it is a piece I have been following for a while.


What is the most valuable piece in your collection?


A triptych by Joan Mitchell that is currently on display at Pamm. The piece is called Iva and was painted in 1973, when she started working out of her large studio in France.


If money were no object, what would be your dream purchase?


The large Water Lilies by Claude Monet, at the Musée de l’Orangerie.


Which work do you regret not buying when you had the chance?


Diego Rivera’s Calla Lily Vendor came to auction about 20 years ago… I lost by one bid!


If your house was on fire, which work would you save?


Helen Frankenthaler’s Vanilla or Frank Stella’s Scramble. We installed both in our master bedroom. Staring at each from bed is my new favourite way to relax.


Which of all the works in your collection requires the most maintenance?


We have a Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture right on Biscayne Bay. The rain and salty air makes round-the-clock maintenance and attention a requirement. It brings so much life and colour to our collection, so it is worth the trouble. We also have a work on paper that Raymond Pettibon and Marcel Dzama collaborated on. It is installed in one of my office’s hallways and requires considerable care, but is a showstopper.


What is the most surprising place you have displayed a work?


The walls of my master bathroom feature many pieces I am fond of. Truth is, we have pieces in every inch of the house, from the stairwells to the bathrooms and even the closets. We love to live with art.


Which artists, dead or alive, would you invite to your dream dinner party?


I am going to pick ones who have passed, or else I would have a lot of artist friends upset by exclusion. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo are two of my dream dinner guests: intelligent, emotional and wild!


What is the best collecting advice you have been given?


Don’t buy right away when you see a work, let it sink in and think of it for the long-term. With that said, I only wish that I followed my advice more often...


Appeared in Fair Dailies,

Art Basel in Miami Beach 2018


On View

Mega-Collector Jorge Pérez Has So Much Art He Just Had to Open a Second Museum in Miami to Store It All

The inaugural show features about 100 works from his collection.


Sarah Cascone, December 4, 2019



















Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.10303226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256 >>3267 >>3271 >>3338 >>3412 >>3524 >>3544 >>3557 >>3589 >>3658 >>3707 >>3734 >>3766 >>3778


TBCPR - Arizona's #1 Lifestyle Public Relations Firm



'"HIRED" then a viral crazytown meme tied to QAnon' and Karens


QAnon Karen

"hired by QANON" and Trump

'Melissa Rein Lively


The Icons

A look at our favorite clients, moments and icons over the years.

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.10303256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3267 >>3271 >>3323 >>3338 >>3345 >>3412 >>3460 >>3500 >>3524 >>3544 >>3557 >>3658 >>3707 >>3734 >>3766 >>3778





QAnon Karen Melissa Rein Lively breaks silence on Arizona Target mask trashing arrest

CELEB Magazine

. July 10, 2020

Today, we received the following email with an unsolicited, exclusive statement from Melissa Rein Lively (who has been dubbed over the past week as the Scottsdale Arizona Target QAnon Karen) to Nik Richie.


Here is the unedited email in its entirety, which came from her associate Lindsay Higerd:


Melissa’s statement in full….

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.10303267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3271 >>3338 >>3345 >>3412 >>3460 >>3524 >>3557 >>3658 >>3707 >>3734 >>3766 >>3778




Hi Nik,


This is a statement from Melissa Reinbows for your publication, you know what to do.


Since the time I was born November 3, 1985 at 1:42 PM – A cold fall Sunday in Denver, I knew I was different. I knew I had a special mission for this lifetime’s journey and I knew it had something to do with enlightening the world, and ushering in an era of pure spirituality and deep peace that would ultimately be the end of human suffering. For Good.


Problem was, I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it. So for approximately 33 1/3 years I worked hard to develop my earthly skills and God given talents to establish myself as a successful business person and public relations executive. By the grace of god, I was fortunate to win the trust and business of brands like Nike and Nobu, sit on visionary round table discussions at Burning Man with the likes of Elon Musk and treat both of my best of friends on two epic 30th birthday parties on yachts in Greece and Ibiza. I had a gorgeous kind and successful husband I love more than anything, two adorable dachshunds, a range rover in the garage, not one but two Rolex’s, and three Birkin bags. By all intents and purposes it would appear I had it all.


But all of that wasn’t good enough for me, in fact it sickened me to the core. I wanted everyone to be happy. I wanted everyone to be wealthy. I wanted world peace. It didn’t seem like so much to ask, really…not for someone used to getting everything they want.


Fast foward to 2020 the world is as lost and bleak as it has ever been. These last few months I spent more time praying than I did pitching, really. I just wanted my clients to be happy again. I just wanted people to be free again, to feel safe again, have hope again. Most of all, and I do mean most of all, I just wanted the world to smile again.

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.10303271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3338 >>3345 >>3412 >>3460 >>3524 >>3557 >>3658 >>3707 >>3734 >>3766 >>3778



So when my whole vision came together I knew exactly what I had to do. From the outside I know what I have done looks absolutely next level insane. It certainly is. But I had to do something so outrageous and shocking – something the world had never seen before to get the necessary attention to make my voice heard. I will have you know I have a command of the English language unlike any other. My mother was an English professor at Boston University and to this day I am relatively certain I am the only member of the millennial generation on the planet who was raised with a Trans-Atlantic accent. Furthermore, my cogency of the English language is further evidence by a perfect verbal SAT score. That being said, I have always known the pen is much mightier than the sword which is why I would like to impart my story upon you today, and beg that you join me in my world where I choose to only see love, I choose to only feel love. I choose to only be loved. Why? Because I only am love. And you know what? You are too.


My store really begins in 1939 in a little town called Oscweicim. It goes back much further than that, but we will start there for reasons of historical context. My grandmother was the daughter of a prominent businessman who owned one of the most successful commercial bakeries in Poland. There they had a nice life, big family, many happy holidays celebrated with neighbors and friends, a loving and hardworking community, schools, and even new party dresses and cake for celebrations. One day my grandmothers father was approached by the German government for a business proposition. Rather than a proposition it was more like a mandate or demand. My great grandfather would be going into business with the German army. How exciting this was! How many jobs this would mean for the community. It would keep them safe and occupied as the war spread across Europe. After all, baking bread was essential. They would be baking for the entire Third Reich. So what did they do? They threw a party for the town, a dance, a dinner, a parade, celebrations. Today, you can visit that bakery yourself but you probably won’t recognize the name. You see, the Germans were clever in identifying the largest network of ovens in Europe for their horrific hateful plan to purify the global race. So when I say I know hatred only has one face this is what I mean.


So where is the little town of Oscweicim and why can’t you find it on a map today? Well, that little town is gone you see, and only Auschwitz remains. I could tell you about my grandmother’s horrific abuses which included death marches and visits to showers where water was assumed to not come out. I could tell you about the six living family members I have left. I could tell you about ravages of pain and sorrow that hatred bestows upon a generation, but you already know all that. I don’t have to tell you my bloodline goes all the way back to Ethiopia, the original Kingdom of Man. When will humanity finally accept we are one family and one brotherhood living with the Spirit of God-our one true love?

Today I ask not for your forgiveness, but for your faith, fortitude, and friendship. No word nor act should enslave a people, until we can learn to love ourselves and each other, we all remain slaves to the past. Free your mind, free your heart, and together we will find joy and hope in humanity again. Now I sit in a prison cell, with nothing left and I would sacrifice it all over again if it meant not one more tear would fall as a result of hatred that affects us all.


It wasn’t money, power, or fame I was after. It was the ability to incite change – a shot at happily ever after.


Now, the freedoms I so craved for all have been stripped from me large and small. My ability to think and speak is now fully controlled, medicated, and managed by the State. I won’t have the choice to make up my mind again all because I asked to be your friend.


But freedom isn’t free, and that’s a calculated risk I had to take.


Since I began my journey and mission for peace and prosperity and for all of humanity, I knew there was only one way to bring my vision to fruition. I had to start living in the future, even if I was the only one there.


There isn’t one human that walks this Earth that isn’t haunted by something behind them. It’s for this reason I extend my hand today knowing that soon only love will define Him. Remember always, you create your own reality, as long as you adhere to the perception by which it is defined.


Sending you true love, pure light and the deepest healing energy, Melissa Reinbows

Mark 12:29






Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.10303338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3345 >>3357









Real JAP, July 10, 2020 @ 2:21 pmReply

I, personally, am confused. She talks about Auschwitz but then posts a NT quote. Such a shonda move that makes it all the much worse.


Jill, July 10, 2020 @ 5:37 pmReply

So she is still manic and instead of apologizing brags about her wealth. Hard pass and shame on Lindsay for sending this.


Not buying it, July 10, 2020 @ 7:45 pmReply

I can literally smell the bullshit in this article. I have seen her firsthand treat people in horrible ways, assault people, threaten people, say the most horrific and hurtful things. Completely unprovoked and this goes all the way back to over a decade. She’s insane and a horrible human. No manipulative words that she can type out in her jail cell will change that.


Jill, July 10, 2020 @ 10:02 pmReply

Shame on Lindsay for sending this rambling garbage. She is clearly still not well.


Dennit, July 11, 2020 @ 7:02 amReply

So, god told her to mess up the display in Target? She is clearly an Stable Genius


Kayla, July 13, 2020 @ 7:03 amReply

As of a few days ago she was still using the N-word and trying to “normalize it’s use for all people”. This sub-human is only trying to spread hate and herpes, there is no love or light within 6 feet of this shame pile.


Sabrina G, July 12, 2020 @ 11:12 amReply

For someone with a stunning command of the English language, she did have quite a few grammatical and spelling errors.


Andy T, July 12, 2020 @ 5:08 pmReply

I’m confused now … regardless that she did not bother to even look up the correct spelling of Oswiecim, what exactly is her relationship to that place – it is not clear from her diatribe whether her grandmother’s father was a Nazi collaborator there or whether her grandmother’s family was murdered in the concentration camp?

The first would likely be more in line with her becoming a qAnon / Trump spokesperson in 2020, but likely she thinks the second will give more credence to her claim that she is now a member of a minority persecuted for their beliefs.


Hey, July 12, 2020 @ 7:30 pmReply

This PR chic needs some major mental health assistance but shame on this stupid site giving her a forum to let her tell us how important and wealthy she thinks she is. Bragaliois bitch.


Skip, July 13, 2020 @ 6:55 amReply

Wow…she’s a mess. She’s pretty obviously mentally unwell.


L, July 13, 2020 @ 5:47 pmReply

So is she still your travel writer and providing content to your publication?


Carolynn White, July 13, 2020 @ 6:07 pmReply

I’m still missing the point of this open letter. All it did was confirm my original opinion of this self-impressed Karen.


Kristin Ames, July 15, 2020 @ 11:59 amReply

For someone with a perfect Verbal SAT score, her letter didn’t even make sense and I still have no idea what she was trying to convey. She will be remembered as someone who went crazy in a Target store, used a ridiculous amount of profanity, bragged about her Range Rovers and Rolex, and then went on to claim she was part of Qanon with a direct phone number to Trump.


Trumpy McFartstain, July 16, 2020 @ 4:39 amReply

I’d like to fuck her!

Everyone knows that the crazy ones are great in bed. And this bitch is crazier than a shithouse rat.


Max Page, July 16, 2020 @ 9:07 amReply

What a lovely offer Mr Trumpy McFartstein. You clearly take after you Great Leader when it comes to your misogyny, lack of empathy, and grab ’em by the pussy sense of entitlement. Please be sure you gain her consent first though or you’ll likely find your self in a jail shower one day having the exact same thing happen to you.


Emily, July 16, 2020 @ 7:53 pmReply

I knew Melissa. She and I met about a year ago when she was enthusiastic about a huge commercial project. When she realized I opposed it, she put together a campaign to destroy me on social media. As a result I lost my part-time job over her causing trouble. She was incredibly cruel. I certainly hope that she does get the help she needs and becomes the kind of person she is spouses to be. She could be very sweet but she could turn on you and turn into the most vicious mean girl you’ve ever encountered.I hope she gets her life together.

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.10303345   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Vera, July 17, 2020 @ 12:59 pmReply

Why on earth would you publish this? I am appalled!


Colin Connelly, July 17, 2020 @ 11:45 pmReply

Wow. The cocaine demons are strong here.


Ted Cruz, July 18, 2020 @ 8:04 amReply

The craziest thing is she volunteers at Children’s hospitals & cancer clinics. They really have to reevaluate their choices in volunteers, she is probably spreading cancer like trump & ultra crazy qanon’s. I see clearly why your husband filed for divorce, easy case for his lawyer


AJ, July 18, 2020 @ 8:54 pmReply

A contrived PR letter to save your reputation and your business is as fake as your remorse. This proves to me that you are a narcissist sociopath who needs medical attention, not media attention. Get some psychiatric help now.


Kell McNally, July 23, 2020 @ 7:01 amReply

Ms. Wants Only to Love the World just publicly posted on Facebook today that she refuses to stop saying “ni**a” as requested by the husband she “loves dearly” and doxxed him with his phone number for QAnon people to harass him about it. Two days ago she posted a graphic she made of what she calls her governor’s campaign slogan, of herself in a red white and blue bikini waving American flags with a banner that says “I HATE POOR PEOPLE.”

You’re enabling a monster, Celeb Mag. STOP.


Douglas Wilhelm, July 24, 2020 @ 12:26 pmReply

Where is the apology, or even acknowledgement of the Target indecent. She and Kanye need to collaborate, they sound exactly the same.


Arsenal2016, July 30, 2020 @ 6:36 amReply

Nik knows what to do: She has the writer on her payroll! Total nonsense.


Ann, July 31, 2020 @ 12:37 pmReply

Is this a magazine for people who think they’re celebrities but really aren’t ? Is that a thing ?

She sounds much more like a narcissistic personality disordered person than a bi polar person.


Stacey E., August 5, 2020 @ 7:27 pmReply

People on here know her personally and say she’s a dick. All you need to know. Her little stunt backfired, and she’s trying to justify it. You got attention, which is what you were looking for. Now we all get to move on to the next train wreck. She needs to stop getting her information from liars, because that’s what prompted this whole nonsense to begin with. I can’t read this because I don’t want to. It’s more attention seeking from someone who is clearly overindulged. Knock her dick in the dirt and move along. There’s no way she was in jail long enough to write a booklet about it. You stay overnight, see a judge, and get released for a future court date. What a load of crap this all is.


Leave a Reply

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.10303460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3466 >>3500 >>3544





see what they created?

upside down world

inverted QAnon and movement

sprinkle in a WWG1WGA

made her viral


she seems controlled


highlights from her own writing:



mentions small G God

>By the grace of god,

>fortunate to win the trust and business of brands like Nike and Nobu,

> yachts

>mother was an English professor at Boston University

>1939 in a little town called Oscweicim

>grandmother was the daughter of a prominent businessman who owned one of the most successful commercial bakeries in Poland.

> grandmothers father was approached by the German government for a business proposition. Rather than a proposition it was more like a mandate or demand.

> My great grandfather would be going into business with the German army.

> would be baking for the entire Third Reich.

>Germans were clever in identifying the largest network of ovens in Europe for their horrific hateful plan to purify the global race

>six living family members I have left

>my bloodline goes all the way back to Ethiopia, the original Kingdom of Man

>Now I sit in a prison cell

>My ability to think and speak is now fully controlled, medicated, and managed by the State.

> I won’t have the choice to make up my mind again all because I asked to be your friend.

>you create your own reality, as long as you adhere to the perception by which it is defined.

>Melissa Reinbows

>Mark 12:29


Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.10303500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544





Another video captured from her livestream shows Lively sitting outside of Target making sheep noises at customers

until a police officer tells her to go wait in her car for her Uber to show up.

Once it does, she tells her driver to take off his mask, and talks about stealing all the Nazi gold.


While it’s unclear how Lively’s day wound up resolving, one of the Instagram accounts she was posting to has been set to private since the videos began going viral.


But according to a tweet from July 2, she is running for governor of Arizona.


Guess what guys? I’m running for Arizona Governor. 🌈😃


Here’s my first interview. Billy Harfosh and @999KEZ got the exclusive. #Go4Reinbows #ReinbowsForever


— Melissa “Fucking” Reinbows 🇺🇸 (@wtpnewscorp) July 2, 2020

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.10303544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3559 >>3567 >>3572 >>3589 >>3702







all about the Q people are crazy narrative and corona masks, white entitlement all at TARGET

but she may be controlled MK?



Melissa Rein Lively aka QAnon Karen caught on video destroying a face mask display inside a Scottsdale, Arizona Target store in which she denies the existence of the coronavirus.


‘Why? You let everybody else do it… I can’t do it because I’m a blonde white woman? That’s wearing a f—ing $40,000 Rolex.’

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.10303567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3589 >>3660 >>3669 >>3678 >>3688 >>3692 >>3697 >>3722

>>10303544 necklace


all seems very orchestrated?


Police came to her house and she was arrested on IG Live


saying she is a spokesperson for QAnon & the White House


and wanted the police to “call Donald Trump


and ask him” because she can’t share any “classified information.”


made sure the COPS had face masks

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.10303589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3744





all seems very orchestrated?

made sure husband laughing at her in background


seems to me this is:


so family members of Q people

''' will say : "look even her family thinks Q is nuts"


"see what will happen to YOU if you think QAnon is real"


this is a 2020 version of REEFER MADNESS propaganda

Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.10303731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3736 >>3770 >>3774 >>3778

The hashtag #WrongTrump is trending.


I had no idea what that meant.


Maybe you still don't either.


When you find out, you will see how evil Liberals truly are.


Early Voting Cernovich




This is the far left.


They aren’t hiding their extreme views.


They want you all dead.



Anonymous ID: 961324 Aug. 15, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.10303792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10303763 no tweet yet from POTUS? is Robert truly dead OF CORONA?

or is he letting all the "news" do their "reporting"?



released from hospital after 10 days in hospital???


dies tonight???


weeks later???



Updated Jul. 07, 2020 10:10AM ET /

Published Jun. 24, 2020

9:33PM ET


Robert Trump, Donald’s younger brother,


spent at least 10 days in an intensive care unit before being released this week


and launching legal action to try and stop the publication of his niece’s explosive tell-all book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, according to multiple people familiar with the situation.


Robert, 72, had been at Mount Sinai hospital’s neurosciences intensive care unit (NSICU) in New York since at least June 11th, being treated for a serious condition.

He was discharged on Sunday


and, despite his stay in the hospital, he wasted no time in filing and signing complicated legal documents aided by his celebrity attorney Charles Harder and releasing a statement.


“Her attempt to sensationalize and mischaracterize our family relationship after all of these years for her own financial gain is both a travesty and injustice to the memory of my late brother, Fred, and our beloved parents. I and the rest of my entire family are so proud of my wonderful brother, the president, and feel that Mary’s actions are truly a disgrace,” Robert said in his statement to The New York Times roughly 48 hours after he was discharged from hospital.