Anonymous ID: 4785b2 Aug. 16, 2020, 5:01 a.m. No.10306097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’ve had the luxury of only having to wear a mask one time since this started. For five minutes, to got in to see my kid graduate.

I’ve been to Petsmart, Publix, Walmart, Target, Lowe’s, Harris Teeters, Many many restaurants.

Spouse and son walked into Chipotle yesterday - son goes to bathroom-about 5 counter workers all point and scream at the same time “You’re NOT wearing a mask”, so spouse waited outside. Son comes out of bathroom to the same finger pointing and panic not knowing where spouse went. kek!

I pray EVERY time before I go in somewhere. “Please Lord let these people see that THIS is normal. Let them see my smile and understand that this is healthy. Let them see your light shining from my face and not covered by a mask and know that is how we are supposed to be. Amen”

Go get em anons! Lift the veils with fearlessness and righteousness powered by God. Love you. Have a blessed day. Be the light.