You know, the autism thing isn't just a meme. Many of us are, in fact, literally and clinically autistic.
POTUS turned out to be right about even the most outrageous of his tweets. Obama's BC being one example.
This means that his tweet about vaccines causing autism is almost certainly right as well.
At the risk of coming across as self-absorbed, I had been convinced that people like us just had unique and specialized neurotypes owing to genetics. It's not a good feeling thinking that your brain is the way it is because you were injected with some Frankenstein crap and that you're somehow broken or defective instead of unique and special. It's an admission that you really aren't supposed to be this way and that in an ideal world the person you are never would have existed.
I know he loves us. That much is clear and it truly warms my heart that we autists are valued here. I don't know how to parse that with him pretty much definitely being right about the link between vaccination and autism. In an ideal world, people wouldn't ever be injected with this garbage, so if vaccines are what causes autism, then the fact that we exist is a symptom of a diseased world.
I dunno how to feel about this. It disturbs me.