>She's the most popular Baker girl here.
Nah that would be that fatass Latina blonde by that metric.
Typical profile pic fatty.
kek I stol't it
Toots being a bully again.
I would pay good monies to watch Mueller and Biden have lunch together.
>Cumala Harris is on record as saying she's coming after anons if she wins.
There's still no sauce for that but I'm sure the thought has crossed her mind.
There's no vid nor a tranny for her saying that just memes.
Of course she is.
There's plenty of real sauce on her w/o folks needing to make shit up that gives her a chance to say F&G.
>Lassie, Rin Tin Tinโฆ they all had Agents
I'm picturing a HW party.
So, who are your big name clients?
Well, uhโฆ
He seems nice.
>Can't wait to hear the pointed questions from the hostile press pool.
Joe's such a fuck up they don't even let him take the softball ones any more.
Appreciate the TGD update.
It's a truth machine when done right.
But, you're still gonna get piled-on for this anywaysโฆ
>am told there are less energy intensive blockchains?
The whole mining concept is the one that needs to be re-thought.
And many have but no real consensus on the best approach yet.
Still early in the game when you take the 40K ft view of cryptos tho.
kek only goldbugs get moar butthurt than cryptofags do