See, you just proved my point, you absolute brainlet shills. Read my post at >>1030372 again. Point to me where I ever made any reference to wanting white supremacy? Point to me where I made a non-sourced, non-factual criticism of jews? You can't because all my criticism against Israel and the jews is FACTUAL and FULLY SOURCED. And it fucks you up that some moser jews themselves admit it (if you don't know what a moser is, google it, its basically a jew that snitches on how jews tend to act, and its something typically punished with death).
Please stop equating truth about Jews to shilling. That in itself is a JIDF trick.
Ask yourself how many have spoken up about Jewish ethno-centricism facts. Whilst many are on our side the world needs to know exactly WHY this group was expelled from 109 separate countries.
Q chose this board for a reason and as this mess is cleared up, normies - and perhaps you - will need to learn what this group has been responsible for and decide how we reverse the damage done to western culture.
You're the division sowing shill, prove I'm sowing division, point to any of my posts that does so.
You can't, because you're a shill.
You lost.
This is my post: >>998871 (You)
If you say this is sowing division, then you're getting paid way too much for your shitty shilling.
You just prove my point kike shill.
You guys use pasta all the time, and you fear my counter pasta because it sows UNITY while making people realize that all good jews admit the existence of the "anti-semitic trick" and the sayanim, and that good jews of good faith admit the importance to discuss those issues and making the general public aware of them because they are two of the most IMPORTANT TOOLS OF SUBVERSION THE CABAL USES against the West.
You're not a good jew, and I hope you get RICOed too, and soon the good jews will be against you too, and out for your blood, because you make good jews look bad.
You lost your grip on the narrative.
You lost your control over the goym.
You lost your control over the good jews of good faith.
You lost.
Good luck.
Read what I posted, I am sowing UNITY, and the subversive kikes fear it because it brings good jews into out side.