baker shill team Sunday confusion on purpose.
Q Posted in the other bread . . . .
but which other bread there are so many of them running at the same times. . . .
just kidding Q didn't post.
3 side breads unlocked running at the same time.
this is not normal
total of 4 running active breads.
2 of those are mostly dormant, but still unlocked.
one of them is very active and numbered the same as this, and existed first, and is, in fact, the correct breadd, and this and the last one shill baker team make are shill compped breads.
just thought everyone would want to know.
seriously no one buys your and your shill team.
you think you are pulling over something, but it just is a red pill to anon about how rotton some of you really are.
oh, an a reminder, all your cursing and bad energy, and spells and psyops go right back at you, so you only have your self to blame for how you end up.
No, anon, I chronical the breads and I have a long and copious histoyr of doing this so . . . whatever.
if I 'join' by being a baker I can't be an effective skeptic and say stuff like 'shill bitch bakers hyjacked the bread'
the skeptic is always holy even when incorrect once or twice as long as they correct themself when given better evidence.
nonsensical word dancing, like a sparkler went off in your mind and you GLOW
you'd give me a dirty one anyway so, no.
you only have yourself to thank for all your blessings isn't true because . . .the blessings come from on high.
you mean in the real bread?
you prove you are part of team that supports suppression of content and control of narrative. your potty mouth shows you to be a low grade shill who has no class.
yo are what is called a 'lill-bitch' by most people.
if you ever get to Miami you will fit right in
you are just a blubbering babbling shill.
you have no questions, just bland accusatory hubris.
Your methods are thin.
you've lost your edge.
you aren't even credible as a bully. your just a pathetic censor and gate keeper.
gaslight someone else, amature newbie shill.
I might be truculent and insisting, but I do not gaslight.
and if you check my id you'd know but you don't care.
so the difference I try to speak truth with snark and you try to confuse and give hurt to people who are being team players for the purposes of what you've been trained to be your whole life, a 'lil-bitch'
sad but true about you.
you can't help it. you must bitch at me one more time. Careful the bread will end and I will be gone and you will have to find someone else to bitch at, which I am sure you will do in short order, keeping notes, blah blah.
see ya, lil-bitch