It's always the psychiatrists, and psychologists and "professors" , especially those without medical training.
The whole industry was heaped upon the world as a Globalist FRAUD on science. Here is a great documentary on the history of psychiatry.
Feast your eyes people.
As biofag, I have found that MOST of the peo;ple (25%) taking meds due to these frauds today, are doing so because they were originally
1) deficient in a critical nutrient. (See the history of the mental illness called pellegra, which turned out to be B vitamin deficiency due to building of railroads and far off grain mills, allowing the flour to oxidize and lose the vitamins… which is why Congress had to mandate the B vitamins be put BACK into every loaf of bread)
2) If not a deficiency, then, mental illness is caused by some chemical in the body by workplace contamination, or in the food, like glutamate/BPD/PTSD nerve over stimulation, or red40. Check them out. Then check out this incredible documentary. Talk about having our history hidden from us by these global Satan worshiping Cabal.