yea theres not telling. we will never know.. i just thought it was interesting connection because wuhan had that 5G right next to it. (if i remember correctly) but again that was all speculative.
C19 is a variation of Corona virus.. there are about 13 different Coronas… its the flu for normal people, 70 and over and ones with pre-exisitng are targets. 325 mill in america, 125, 000 have died, (with flase numbers reported) its not even in flu deathrange per year. its a big hoax. period.
lol wasting time. its a left echo chamber… all you can do is retweet and help shit trend that benefits this movement and the right. battle the narratives not the marxists..
i know , it is what it is.. i barely use it. but i retweet shit that helps us trend when it does if not censored already by jack. trust me it helps regardless of the lefty hijack
in short yes. they engineered a corona virus with other shit to roll out what they call covid 19. everyone is different , bodies react differently in everyone for the most part. you may have flu symptoms , i may have just a sor throat…does it mean we both got covid for example? many stories have said different symptoms but they all said they had covid.
that Milano shit was staged anon. shes a shill of the highest order.
if 1 ting is in question , the entire thing must be questioned.