NOTABLE: clarification of “White Squall” and how Elite/Politician’s families perpetuate a corrupted mindset (generation after generation).
1) *WHITE SQUALL film portrays the special “Flynn School” for wayward kids of Elite/Politicians.
2) *Official Objective: Last resort to correct & discipline future generation of Elites/Politicians.
3) Real Objective: prepare next generation of Elite/Politicians, perpetually corrupted mindset.
a. *Method (body): physically isolate kids from drug/party/public school environment.
b. *Method (mental): promote Darwinism, Survival of Fittest, Pantheism->Spiritism->Atheism->Humanism
c. *Method (spirit): ridicule Creationism, Law of Love, Christ Jesus (only begotten of the Father).
*Source: Doug Batchelor Sermon “The Richest Caveman.”