Anonymous ID: 31f780 USPS Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System Aug. 17, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.10322484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

February 7th, a week after POTUS closed the U.S. to travel from China, but a month before the first lockdown, the Postal Service applied for a patent on a blockchain-based voting system.


Anons, can anyone identify who these people are? They are the people who filed the application for the USPS Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System

Goswami; Dhananjay; (Buffalo Grove, IL)

Lagneaux; Angela M.; (Annapolis, MD)

Venkataraman; Mohan Swaminathan; (Cary, NC)

Henry; Wendy; (Arlington, VA)

Shrestha; Aashish; (Morrisville, NC)

Dearing; Stephen M.; (Herndon, VA)