has the pedo look
No deals. But Huma maybe. She could fuck shit up in a big way. Does anyone have the drop talking about her kids? Could not find
At first I was thinking JA. But maybe HA.
She was tied in with MB and HUMA(Harvard)
Rmember Hillary falling in India and Huma was holding that device?
She definitely knows where bodies are buried.
Likely a SA slave from birth controlled by Bin Talil
and on and on. And this early drop.
Nothing Sperry takes shit from here that we rehash and acts like it is news. Like Anita Dunn loving Mao.
thanks I found it while you did thisโฆ
I posted this a couple times above. Huma knows everything. What could they possibly say. Panic in DC would be full on. And yes there are some ineresting choices to make. Huma knows where the bodies are for sure.
Bet they would call her heels up when she left the room.
Drop 8 seemed to point at Huma. Anthony will be indicted again for something else. And Huma was with Killhill 24/7. Not weiner