>>10324080 lb
This seemed clear to me
>>10324080 lb
This seemed clear to me
E. is one of the authors of Cicada 3301
So he often makes images and videos using that style of comms
Here he seems to be hinting that Mud will roar like a Lion, and the 3 may refer to Three Gorges
In the other one, we can hear the Fat Lady singing
Which seems appropriate given that E. is a Pentagon insider, has served in Military Intelligence and was in Afghanistan under Gen Flynn.
Lots of crooked people in those places, and he had an opportunity to see what they were up to. Remember, that charges of Treason are defined by the Constitution and requireTWO WITNESSES. It is not enough to have a pile of incriminating evidence. You need the 2 witnesses.
If you are interested in reading this book.
Here it is in the original 1908 edition
Attached as a PDF
Who are the accessories to this murder?
Everyone who facilitated the murder should be charged.