Anonymous ID: 8f18a2 Aug. 17, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.10324376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663


Part V


My own research into not only Q but History, Religion and many years of Conspiracy seemed to run directly into Inthematrixxx's “research” where he, with the help of Fritz's book, was apparently led to believe that P = Payseur, as my own research leads me to believe that [P] does not = Payseur but Pope, Papal Orders of Knighthood, Papal Royal Families (the black nobility) as well as groups such as the Catholic Jesuits. The Owl was the symbol Q used to represent the “Guardians of the Pope” yet not necessarily the Masters of the Pope.


I have come to believe that [P] = Pope/Papal Royal families et al… and that this position can be fully demonstrated using only a handful of Q drops yet dozens of drops seem to also strongly correlate and support this theory. Whereas the P = Payseur theory received only one repost from Q. Drop #1970 where Q did not say or confirm anything as it was simply a repeat of an Anon's question “does p = payseur?”.


Although Q seems to have used this method to “apparently” confirm some things in the past.

When you look at all the data, consider how important [P] must be And the fact that Q has not been shy otherwise in listing Vatican crimes, going as far as the point to the Vatican as being a “Corrupt foreign government”, it really does not make much sense why Q simply did not reply to Anon's question in the affirmative. Is disinformation necessary?


When we examine and compare the History of the above mentioned P = Papacy theory groups we find a wealth of information which strongly suggests that at least one primary seat of Power is the Papacy, Versus the very scant history of the P = Payseur/ “Daniel Payseur was actually the escaped King of France” Theory. The [P] = Payseur theory certainly seems to be a castle built upon sand and it also appears that a storm is now rolling in.


For those who may not understand why [P] is important to more than just the Inthematrixxx crew and this Anon:

1: In Drop #3749 Q seems to indicate that “GS” or “George Soros” controls the Democrat Party yet you must hover over the “GS” before “George Soros” appears as the only known interpretation of “GS” according to the website which is my primary source for Drops.

2: In Drop #416 Q says “Soros takes orders from P”.

3: In Drop #1413 which is a drop concerning “Guardians of the Pope” by title and which features an Image of an Owl… Q named the Owl image file “Guardian_P.png” and directly below this Q wrote:

“Guardian of the Pope.



Lastly, before the “Saving Israel for last” drop which is Drop #916, Anon's observed Drop #714 which certainly seems to indicate that we are saving [P] for last and this drop is related to “Clown Ops”. Even though Q lumps Mossad agents with CIA agents upon more than one occasion and labels them all “Clowns”, any seasoned Anon knows that for a very long time the CIA was known as “Catholics in Action” and “Catholics in America” and thus “Clown”, for decades, essentially referred to a CIA agent in an Agency that for much of it's History not only employed many Catholics but was also Directed by Catholics who were many times also Knights of Malta and other Papal Orders.

IN CONCLUSION: As far as I am concerned [P] = Pope, Papacy, Papal Royal Families (the black nobility) which truly guard the Papacy unlike the largely symbolic “Swiss Guard”, Papal Orders of Knighthood such as the Knights of Malta, Orders such as the Jesuits and even the Swiss Guard, if indeed I am slightly incorrect, yet [P] most certainly does not seem to mean Payseur to anyone but the Matrixxx crew and their “Q army” followers.

Now, why would Inthematrixxx and Shady Grooove be so determined to get everyone to believe that P = Payseur? Information they got from Fritz Springmeier who clearly looks like a disinformation agent who did a lot of work and received a lot of promotion from Alex Jones who is now a well known disinformation agent of Mossad? And as far as I am concerned, also an Agent of the Vatican which explains why Alex Jones/Infowars suddenly became active discussing Vatican issue's once Francis assumed the Chair in 2013.


I could be wrong and all of this is just an amazing set of coincidences and if that is the case, I hope that Anon's love coincidences as much as this Anon does and that this little dig was at the very least, not boring.

I will reserve my apologies to the ITM crew for the time when Q truly confirms that [P] = Payseur OR NOT. Until that time arrives I will continue to trust myself, my research and my instincts which tells me that something is rotten in the state of Qanon. Until that time, I will continue to view the connection that I perceive between Alex Jones/Infowars, Fritz Springmeier and his book, Inthematrixxx and [P] = Payseur OR Pope/Papacy as more then just an amazing set of coincidences.

Welcome to the Revolution.

5:5 o7


Anonymous ID: 8f18a2 Aug. 17, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.10324788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4800


3 Bakers in a row this morning refused to even speak to me about it. Nary a peep... Not one word... Complete Silence besides a chorus of shill tears and that my friends is how you know that you are above target...

What are you gonna do, Baker?

We all have a choice to make...




Parts I - V


>>10315164 Understanding Alex Jones/Info Wars, Gatekeepers and the "Shadowgate" video.

>>10315181 Who is Fritz Springmeier The Author of "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"?

>>10315203 Alex Jones/Infowars Vatican coverage was scarce until Pope Francis assumed the Papacy. Coincidence?

>>10315236 IntheMatrixxx/Jeffrey Pederson's obsession with [P] = Payseur and Springmeier's book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

>>10315256 Why [P] = really looks like it might be Pope, Papacy, Papal Royal Houses (black nobility), Papal orders of Knighthood such as Knights of Malta, Other Papal order such as the Jesuits. Why [P] = does not seem to represent Payseur. Saving Israel and/or [P] for last? What is a Clown?