OMG, Q, great to see you back. I'm the faaggot who got surrounded by 8 to 10 marauding motorcyclists on rice burners last Friday on the way home with my new laptop on front seat of convertible.
They all got off their crotch rockets and surrounded me. One of the SOBs punched my side door.
I yelled at them you leave me alone but they would not. ONLY when I put my right hand on my revolver (which I kept in my waistband) and pointed to it with my left hand, and yelled, Back off or I'll shoot you! did they leave me alone.
Never bring a rice burner to a gunfight.
And thank Christ for President Trump and Q defending our precious Second Amendment forever.
We adore you, Q. Please stay in touch. I'm busting my hump for you, as I think you know.