It's Afraid
Live Dutchsinse
Dutch is reporting that there are earthquakes in the west US that are mainly near fires.
Def something going on accd to him.
California is going off with micro quakes. Big stacks across the board in 24 hrs.
Sewage injected into lava to produce steam in Cali. Swarmin!
Totally going off about the fires, all around where big fires are or have recently been.
Canadian Government Intensifying Immigration In Response to Covid-19
Riley Donovan, Red Ensign Clips
Canada's Immigration Minister, Mark Mendecino: Don't you trust my face? We need immigrants more than ever to fight downturn in economy due to Covid-19 lockdown.
The coronavirus was initially viewed by many nationalists as a great boon to our cause, despite its inherent tragedy. It’s a perfect storm: a plague from a foreign land caused by a combination of barbaric Asian food practices and a government coverup by one of the West’s greatest geopolitical enemies. Surely, Western governments would be forced to cut off immigration due to the fall in employment caused by the virus, at least briefly. China would be brought to heel at last, and their decades old plan to advance the interests of the Han people at the expense of the world and the West would be revealed to the public. Alas, a man can dream.
These benefits have not accrued to the West at large, and Canada is no exception. Eschewing the immigration restrictionism and anti-China legislation, which has characterized the Trump administration’s response to the virus [1], the Liberal government and its supporters are doubling down on the multicultural consensus. Even more troubling is the newest counter-intuitive information on the effect of the pandemic on our native birth rates.
cont at link
Aga Khan - and the Ismalie Muzzies are also Crypto jews.
Saudis: Wahibism - also a sect of crytpos.
All the jews in the 1917-1929 Russian Rev = Bolsheviks - cryptos.