WATCH: Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls COVID-19 the 'European virus'
he killed old people. his brother broke quarantine, prop comedy with that brother (giant Qtip)….unbelievable
WATCH: Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls COVID-19 the 'European virus'
he killed old people. his brother broke quarantine, prop comedy with that brother (giant Qtip)….unbelievable
this vid needs more downvotes
and needs copyright strike for what what in the butt imagery
2:07.30 mark
Democratic National Convention: Day 1
2020 Democratic National Convention
57.3K subscribers
Tune in on Monday, August 17 from 9-11 PM ET for the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, where we’ll hear from the many Americans who are rising up to take on the crises facing our country.