Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.10325836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5892


Part I


It has been over two years since Q first exposed Alex Jones as a paid MOS/Mossad agent and in that

time Q has dropped more than a dozen drops pertaining to Alex Jones/Infowars/MOS>Mossad. Like many here, I too did my “time” with Alex Jones yet this ended in 2003 when I began to suspect that Alex was not as he seemed and that it appeared that he had a Hidden Agenda. Since that time I have been fairly immune to AJ/Infowars brand of Propaganda yet have continued to monitor his activities and even more so once he became involved with the Qanon movement.

It is understandable that New Eyes might see Alex Jones/Infowars as a wealth of information. Yet like most good Gatekeepers, they are always hiding something or in the case of Alex Jones, perhaps more than one thing which is always wrapped in layers of truth as otherwise the guise would fool very few “Conspiracy minded” individuals.


Gatekeepers are disinformation agents who appear to be helping yet who are ultimately trying to guide people away from the truth hence the latest Alex Jones/Infowars offering “Shadowgate” by Millie Weaver. The goal of the “Shadowgate” documentary is to get people to believe that John Brennan, General Jones and some “military contractors” are largely responsible for everything from Domestic Spying, Fisa/Fisc court abuses to the Coup attempt on President Trump aka Spygate et al.


Anon's already know that all of these abuses/crimes were being committed. Anon's already know that Brennan is going down and Anon's are already aware that private contractors like Edward Snowden were being used and Anon's already know about the Five Eyes spying network and how the government was subverting the NSA because the Q Patriot Bill Binney informed Anon's. Anon's know pretty much all of the information offered in “Shadowgate” yet Anon's also know that none of this stops with John Brennan or General Jones or with a group of military contractors but that the corruption reaches to the very top of the Obama Administration and beyond.


Per Q, Anon's now know that Alex is a Mossad agent yet what else could he be hiding? What other area and subject matter has Alex avoided in the past? Those who are relatively new to Infowars and Conspiracy might not be able to answer this question. Please allow me to demonstrate what I have witnessed after 2 decades of “Watching” Infowars evolve.


Surrounded by Evil.

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.10325853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part II


First, let's examine one of AJ/Infowars good friends and how this person ties into someone who many Anon's know well.


Fritz Springmeier AKA Viktor Schoof is the Author of the book “Bloodlines of the Iluminati” which is very central to the point of this discourse. Alex Jones has dedicated entire shows to his “amazingly informative” friend Fritz Springmeier and his “very informative” book “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” as well as having Fritz on the show to do segments on dozens of other occasions. Needless to say, Fritz is no casual acquaintance of the Show. The book “Bloodlines” reads like a hodge podge of History that anyone could toss together simply by reading other researchers “conspiracy theories” and some decent History books. An Example of how this group of Gatekeepers trade information can be seen in another book written by another one of Alex Jones' good friends, David Icke, in his 1999 book “The Biggest Secret” which also mentions the Payseur family.


If Anon's search/dig they should easily run across more then one voice decrying the apparent infiltration's and con artistry of Fritz Springmeier but that could all be rumor yet there are a few things we can be sure of concerning Viktor Schoof.


1: A convicted Felon for Armed Bank Robbery. Fritz' apologists suggest that he was setup and of course they said that the reason he was setup was because of all of the “valuable top secret information” that he was telling people about through his “Ministry” and via his books. Subjects include but are not limited to Mkultra/Monarch/Sex slave/Satanic mind control etc etc.

United States v. Springmeier, 254 F. Supp. 2d 1192 (D. Or. 2003)


2: Fritz and his wife Patricia Springmeier, as noted by the arresting Police for the public record in the local newspaper linked below, were arrested for drugs, military style weapons, they were “In possession of White Seperatist Literature” and it was noted that Fritz wrote books on the beliefs of the “Christian Patriot Association” which was an ultra right wing violent extremist group.


3: The “Christian Patriot Movement” as it is commonly referred to is a religious extremist hate movement that coalesced with already established radical militia groups around the events of Ruby Ridge and other incidents that most of us view as government abuse and overreach.

This works the same way that Racist's attach themselves to Qanon and POTUS.

POTUS is anti mass immigration and Racist's hate immigrants so Racist's are naturally attracted.


4: Fritz is also mentioned on the Wikipedia page of the “Army of God” which is listed as a “Christian Terrorist Organization” known to Murder Abortion doctors, plant bombs, mail biological agents and other acts of terror.


5: The CIA supposedly found a copy of “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” inside Usama Bin Laden's compound so a free copy can be read at the library here:


Traitors Everywhere.

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.10325886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part III


Back to Alex Jones/infowars and some finer details.

For over 12 years Alex Jones may have mentioned the Vatican a handful of times yet he never directly addressed the subject and in one instance, I believe it was back in 2008 or 2009, he even started a show off as if he was going to reveal some great crime concerning the Vatican, only to go on to rant about the daily news and to ultimately say nothing concerning the Vatican. Alex finally did a little documentary on the Vatican in the 2012-2013 time frame, as I recall, where every time his Italian Guide Leo Zagami would reveal some crime concerning the Vatican, Alex would react with Shock, Horror and Surprise as if he was totally clueless as to any of the Vatican's criminal history. Alex really did not dig into the Vatican until Francis assumed the Papacy in 2013, yet since that time Alex has become very active in what I refer to as the “Blame Francis” movement. Coincidence?


The “Blame Francis” movement is what I call an apparent attempt to blame/scapegoat all of the Vatican' problems on Pope Francis and a few dozen Powerful Homosexual Bishops. When in fact, almost all of the crimes that the public has seen slowly coming to light over the last few years were being conducted and concealed by every Papacy for decades. Many seem to think that Francis forced Benedict out. The truth may be that Francis is the Scapegoat and so of course Benedict would leave yet want it to appear as if his departure was the result of some sort of Conspiracy against him. In my opinion, the Wikileaks Vatican documents appear to be a fake reveal and the documents were intentionally placed/planted as disinformation to setup the “Blame Francis Scapegoat Scenario” yet this is for another dig and another day.


My instincts tell me that all of this “odd” and “coincidental” behavior indicates that Alex Jones is also an agent of the Vatican. How could this otherwise “terribly knowledgeable” Conspiracy and History Buff be so completely unaware of the Vatican' Power and it's criminal history?

Why did it take Alex so long to finally attempt to “help” his viewers better understand Vatican intrigue and the Vatican's place in the Deep State Power structure? and when he did finally decide to educate his viewers it was only after Francis assumed the Papacy?

Per the 20+ very telling Q drops concerning the Vatican, Q has been exceedingly forthcoming with the information Anon's needed in order to not blindly ignore the Corruption of the Vatican and to face the fact that the Vatican is indeed a Major Player in this wicked Game.

Anon's should know by now that on certain levels, especially on the highest levels,

there are no Coincidences.


early this morning was the first time I dropped this and since that time I have dropped it maybe 6 times trying to get one notable or a nom from baker and yet I cannot even get a comment? and all I hear is shill tears otherwise…. trust me, that's pretty fucked up and very very TELLING kek

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.10325895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6050


Part IV


Now we get to what is in my opinion, the really good parts. Inthematrixxx/Jeffrey Pederson and his cohort Shady Grooove have a 5 part “[P] = Payseur/What is P?” video series featured on their website. The ITM/SG crew are well known for pushing one central theme since their inception and that is [P] = Payseur. Inthematrixxx/Jeffrey Pederson has plainly stated that he got the Payseur information from Fritz Springmeier's book “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” and even though Inthematrixxx used the slogan “The Truth must be learned, never told”, Jeffrey and Shady Grooove are very adamant that they should tell everyone that [P] = Payseur.


Inthematrixxx and Shady Grooove made use of the theme “What is P?” as the highlight of the Presentation that they put on for Judith Zebra Knight aka J.Z. Knight at her Ramtha cult compound. They were not only paid to teach people about Q but they also probably had to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement in order to “perform” for the Ramtha crowd of “Ramtha light warriors” as it seems to be common knowledge that anyone who does any work for the Ramtha Cult is forced to sign NDA's. JZ Knight is notorious for suing ex exployee's and students for revealing anything about the Ramtha cult so we should not expect Inthematrixxx or Shady Grooove to want to talk about it in detail, any time soon. How odd is it then to learn that J.Z. Knight was once a top fund raiser for the Democratic Party in Washington State or to see what appears to be an Image of J.Z. Knight and her grand daughter meeting President Barrack Obama or what appears to be an image of Michelle Obama cozing up to J.Z. Knight? Although the controversial images cannot be verified, the top Democratic Donor proof is at link:

and here:


From all of the above, Anon's should be able to easily conclude that the definition of “[P] =” is of utmost importance to Inthematrixxx and Shady Grooove. Please keep reading to learn about why I believe that their initial goal was to obscure the truth surrounding [P] = which also aligns with my belief that Alex Joneses' second Master is Mossad yet that his primary Master is the Vatican.


Nothing can stop what is coming

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.10325926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part V


My own research into not only Q but History, Religion and many years of Conspiracy seemed to run directly into Inthematrixxx's “research” where he, with the help of Fritz's book, was apparently led to believe that P = Payseur, as my own research leads me to believe that [P] does not = Payseur but Pope, Papal Orders of Knighthood, Papal Royal Families (the black nobility) as well as groups such as the Catholic Jesuits. The Owl was the symbol Q used to represent the “Guardians of the Pope” yet not necessarily the Masters of the Pope.


I have come to believe that [P] = Pope/Papal Royal families et al… and that this position can be fully demonstrated using only a handful of Q drops yet dozens of drops seem to also strongly correlate and support this theory. Whereas the P = Payseur theory received only one repost from Q. Drop #1970 where Q did not say or confirm anything as it was simply a repeat of an Anon's question “does p = payseur?”.


Although Q seems to have used this method to “apparently” confirm some things in the past.

When you look at all the data, consider how important [P] must be And the fact that Q has not been shy otherwise in listing Vatican crimes, going as far as the point to the Vatican as being a “Corrupt foreign government”, it really does not make much sense why Q simply did not reply to Anon's question in the affirmative. Is disinformation necessary?


When we examine and compare the History of the above mentioned P = Papacy theory groups we find a wealth of information which strongly suggests that at least one primary seat of Power is the Papacy, Versus the very scant history of the P = Payseur/ “Daniel Payseur was actually the escaped King of France” Theory. The [P] = Payseur theory certainly seems to be a castle built upon sand and it also appears that a storm is now rolling in.


For those who may not understand why [P] is important to more than just the Inthematrixxx crew and this Anon:

1: In Drop #3749 Q seems to indicate that “GS” or “George Soros” controls the Democrat Party yet you must hover over the “GS” before “George Soros” appears as the only known interpretation of “GS” according to the website which is my primary source for Drops.

2: In Drop #416 Q says “Soros takes orders from P”.

3: In Drop #1413 which is a drop concerning “Guardians of the Pope” by title and which features an Image of an Owl… Q named the Owl image file “Guardian_P.png” and directly below this Q wrote:

“Guardian of the Pope.



Lastly, before the “Saving Israel for last” drop which is Drop #916, Anon's observed Drop #714 which certainly seems to indicate that we are saving [P] for last and this drop is related to “Clown Ops”. Even though Q lumps Mossad agents with CIA agents upon more than one occasion and labels them all “Clowns”, any seasoned Anon knows that for a very long time the CIA was known as “Catholics in Action” and “Catholics in America” and thus “Clown”, for decades, essentially referred to a CIA agent in an Agency that for much of it's History not only employed many Catholics but was also Directed by Catholics who were many times also Knights of Malta and other Papal Orders.

IN CONCLUSION: As far as I am concerned [P] = Pope, Papacy, Papal Royal Families (the black nobility) which truly guard the Papacy unlike the largely symbolic “Swiss Guard”, Papal Orders of Knighthood such as the Knights of Malta, Orders such as the Jesuits and even the Swiss Guard, if indeed I am slightly incorrect, yet [P] most certainly does not seem to mean Payseur to anyone but the Matrixxx crew and their “Q army” followers.

Now, why would Inthematrixxx and Shady Grooove be so determined to get everyone to believe that P = Payseur? Information they got from Fritz Springmeier who clearly looks like a disinformation agent who did a lot of work and received a lot of promotion from Alex Jones who is now a well known disinformation agent of Mossad? And as far as I am concerned, also an Agent of the Vatican which explains why Alex Jones/Infowars suddenly became active discussing Vatican issue's once Francis assumed the Chair in 2013.


I could be wrong and all of this is just an amazing set of coincidences and if that is the case, I hope that Anon's love coincidences as much as this Anon does and that this little dig was at the very least, not boring.

I will reserve my apologies to the ITM crew for the time when Q truly confirms that [P] = Payseur OR NOT. Until that time arrives I will continue to trust myself, my research and my instincts which tells me that something is rotten in the state of Qanon. Until that time, I will continue to view the connection that I perceive between Alex Jones/Infowars, Fritz Springmeier and his book, Inthematrixxx and [P] = Payseur OR Pope/Papacy as more then just an amazing set of coincidences.

Welcome to the Revolution.

5:5 o7


Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.10326003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6089 >>6158 >>6218

and the Summary of the dig.




Parts I - V


>>10315164 Understanding Alex Jones/Info Wars, Gatekeepers and the "Shadowgate" video.

>>10315181 Who is Fritz Springmeier The Author of "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"?

>>10315203 Alex Jones/Infowars Vatican coverage was scarce until Pope Francis assumed the Papacy. Coincidence?

>>10315236 IntheMatrixxx/Jeffrey Pederson's obsession with [P] = Payseur and Springmeier's book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

>>10315256 Why [P] = really looks like it might be Pope, Papacy, Papal Royal Houses (black nobility), Papal orders of Knighthood such as Knights of Malta, Other Papal order such as the Jesuits. Why [P] = does not seem to represent Payseur. Saving Israel and/or [P] for last? What is a Clown?


So far all I have received are Millie and Matrixxx shill tears and silence.

Not one shred of debate...

No counter, just sit there bleeding out yet still with chest all puffed out as if it's all some sort of game...


and some jump to the thought that I do not care that 11:3 = KC er some shit! kek


"An attack on Matrixxx boy is an attack on Q!" I really enjoy that one...


Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.10326089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6140


Brought to you by the same Patriot who also brought you the following deep dig:


Both Vigano and Marshall are deep state agents trying to blame

the Masons for 200 years of Vatican corruption.

All you have to do is read the following dig to know how and why.

They are essentially attacking men like Washington, Franklin,

Revere who were masons and Lafayette who was a Carbonari.

Go on and have a look at how they are attempting to use

this movement.


I invite all concerned anons to watch this video and then read

the 7 part dig.

I do not believe that the implications or the gravity

of what this dig reveals will be easy for some to

fully understand or to handle and I apologize for this.

I also do not believe that I could have used less words or

fewer images and still do justice to the subject matter.


An Expose of Dr. Taylor Marshall' use of the Alta Vendita

Via extension this also exposes what Vigano meant

by “Deep Church” in his letter to President Trump

>>10198369 pt.1

Who is Dr. Marshall?

What is the Alta Vendita Document?

>>10198374 pt.2

Who is Jacques Cretinuea Joly?

Who did he work for?

What was his History?

What might have been his motivation?

>>10198375 pt.3

What was The Carbonari Movement?

What did they want?

Who was their main enemy/opposition?

What famous Revolutionary figure was a Carbonari?

>>10198377 pt.4

What was in The Letter ArchBishop Carlo Vigano sent to POTUS?

>>10198381 pt.5

and what you will gather along the way is

How does the Alta Vendita Document tie into Vigano's Letter?

>>10198383 pt.6

Final Summary of findings and it is not good.

>>10198391 pt.7

All the reference links you need to see for yourself.


Just another red pill that all of these "Red Pillers" did not want to touch…

As if being able to believe that Q was reality was the really big red pill… kek!

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.10326218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231


All of the harder bigger digs required a campaign to get them noted. So much resistance from all sides. Right here in this "open minded free thinking" realm at that…

I have embraced the thought of Scattered Free thinkers and the thought that they are still scattered…


Just a tidbit of my work here yet somehow I am now a shill?

Somehow I am now not a Patriot?

Because I exposed the reason why Matrixxx says P = PAYSEUR?

99% in the Hospital?

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.10326292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6305 >>6318



Communist Party newspaper: 'Framework has worked well'

by Jules Gomes • • August 5, 2020


Vatican secret 2 year deal with China.

Vatican bishop says Holy See’s secret deal with Chinese

Communist Party will be renewed

The secret deal, signed in 2018, preceded waves of increased persecution of Christians in China.

Mon Aug 10, 2020 - 11:35 am EST

So while all of this has been going on with China the Vatican has

had a secret deal with China and no major media seems to be

reporting it.


This little dig took 6 days to get into notes…

They either do not know what they are looking at and what it means or they have an agenda…

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.10326319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6330 >>6339 >>6378


Someone! Anyone! Satan help us!

Q DROP #2152

Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11 Sep 2018 - 6:40:05 PM


Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.10326330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q DROP #1002

The BITE that has no CURE

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 9:18:12 PM



3 Apr 2018 - 9:15:43 PM





Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.10326394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


but you gotta help them, Satan! as they have ran out of people to blame!


Q DROP #1879

100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Aug 2018 - 12:05:27 AM

House of GOD?

Only the beginning.

Those who you are taught to trust the most….

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.




Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.10326427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6445




Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part I

March 21, 2018 by Rattler Rider


"If there be any doubt about Hitler’s close ties to the Jesuits, Listen to his own words as recorded in 1939 by Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the Danzig government: Quote from Hitler

“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits”, said Hitler… “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party… I am going to let you in on a secret… I am founding an Order… In my “Burgs” of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble… ” Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss). According to Raushning, Hitler then stopped his speech, abruptly saying: “I can’t say anymore.”


However, after the war, Walter Schellenberg, former of chief of German counter-espionage, finished Hitler’s speech, confirming Hitler’s strong behind the scenes ties to the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.


“The S.S. organization has been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.

“Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent to the Jesuit General and the whole structure and direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.


And French writer Frederic Hoffet in 1948 wrote:

“Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most of the members of the party’s old guard were Catholics. It was not by accident that because of its chief’s religion, the Nationalist-Socialist government was the most Catholic Germany ever had This kinship between socialism and Catholicism is most striking if we study closely the propaganda methods and the interior organization of the party

QUOTE BY HITLER ABOUT HIMMLER “I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola” ~Adolf Hitler: “Libres propos” (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164).

“On that subject, nothing is more instructive than Joseph Goebbel’s works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit college and was a seminarist before devoting himself to literature and politics Every page, every line of his writings recall the teaching of his masters; so he stresses obedience the contempt for truth.”


“Some lies are as useful as bread,” Goebbel’s once proclaimed, taking his words from extracts of Ignatius of Loyola’s writings.

As quoted by Edmund Paris in his final 1975 work, the Secret History of the Jesuits, another well-informed insider of the pact between Berlin and the Holy See , Franz von Papen, was even more explicit when he said:

“The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”


And what essentially was put into practice was 25 million victims of concentration camps, the official figure once released by the United Nations. But do such barbaric acts belong to the past?


By no means, barbarianism continues today as evidenced by the U.S. government’s illegal invasion in the Middle East as well as its own siege on U.S citizens by advancing a bogus war on terror."

More at Link:

Anonymous ID: b51de1 Aug. 17, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.10326440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part II

March 21, 2018 by Rattler Rider


"Adolph Hitler Although hidden by the scholars, Hitler’s own words show the Third Reich was organized like the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church, using Jesuit spiritual exercises.Certain things in history get lost in the shuffle like Adolph Hitler’s loyalty to the Vatican and his eternal gratitude paid to the Jesuit Order. Hitler served the Catholic Church faithfully and he wasn’t afraid or ashamed in admitting his endless devotion to the Society of Jesus And if one looks closely, President obama has the same look, feel and rhetoric of a modern day Hitler. In fact, he can be looked at as the Vatican’s new boy on the block or its Americana version of Hitler as he pushes his fascist-war mongering agenda on the people of the United States and the people of the world. “And you can bet that the Vatican and the Jesuit Order are behind everything,”

but the Vatican placed Adolf Hitler in power. For example, Knight of Malta Franz von Papen from the Center Party helped the Nazis to recieve political power in the German Parliament. The Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [which was signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), on July 20, 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar. Von Papen was the personal advisor to Pope Pius XII. even “The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [Ed. Note: the founder of the Jesuit Order] constituted a model which [Heinrich] Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.” – Walter Shellenberg (Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst) Quote by Spanish dictator (Francisco Franco “Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory”. – Spanish dictator (Francisco Franco, Knight of the Order of Christ) published on the 3rd of May 1945, the day of Hitler’s death. (“Reforme”, 21st of July 1945.) “Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church ofRome.” – Quote Civilta Cattolica (House organ of the Jesuits) Even his Mein Kampf book was written, for Hitler, by German Jesuit Staempfle So, a Vatican/Nazi link is for real. The great author Jack Chick is absolutey correct to point to the Holocaust as a 20th century Inquisition."

More at Link:


Apologist History is not going to cut it anymoar…