At this point, Q is still posting riddles with very little substance. Such a shame that Q has collapsed. 2018 Q was pretty cool but has since gone to shit. Not to mention that we are still at the gran total of zero prosecutions against the deep state traitors. Sad….
Nigga faggot don't blame me for Q's failures. I'm not the one who spent years saying arrests were coming, the great awakening was coming, panic in DC, and to Trust Sessions. All turned out to be bullshit. If you have a problem with the bullshit lies, then take it up with Q team.
Midterms are safe……. Lmao.
Trust Sessions….. Lmao.
Q made anons believe that Sessions was going to drain the swamp….. Kek.
Any person working in a law office can file an indictment on pacer. It's not gov. official. So fuck off.
Not a single traitor will be criminally prosecuted. None will go to prison. We all know this.