Postal Justice Warriors.
Meet the super-rich ‘biohackers’ turning into cyborgs with in-built armour and injecting teenagers’ BLOOD to stay young.
Paypal founder Peter Thiel has a gruesome plan to achieve eternal life - by injecting the blood of teenagers.
The practice, known as parabiosis, is not as impossible as it seems - in 2016, a start up firm called Ambrosia started offering transfusions of “young plasma” for £6,000 a time.
Bomb-sniffing ‘cyborg’ locusts able to distinguish between different explosives.
The Washington University team had to create a new surgery technique to attach electrodes which don’t harm the locusts or hinder their mobility. Once in place, researchers can read an insect’s neural activity and know when they smell a bomb within 500 milliseconds.
Air Force One Just Had A Near Miss With A Drone According To Reporter Onboard
Reports are emerging describing a potential near miss with an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) while the C-32A that President Trump was flying on was making its final approach into Andrews Air Force base on Sunday evening. POTUS was returning from Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster New Jersey when the reported near miss took place.
Trump eyes new unproven coronavirus "cure"
To the alarm of some government health officials, President Trump has expressed enthusiasm for the Food and Drug Administration to permit an extract from the oleander plant to be marketed as a dietary supplement or, alternatively, approved as a drug to cure COVID-19, despite lack of proof that it works.
The experimental botanical extract, oleandrin, was promoted to Trump during an Oval Office meeting in July. It's embraced by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell, a big Trump backer, who recently took a financial stake in the company that develops the product.
Michelle Obama to reportedly "come hard" at President Trump in convention address tonight.
The nature and origin of Oumuamua, the first known visitor from another solar system, have become more mysterious after scientists claim to have ruled out a major explanation.
Researchers had suggested earlier this year that the origins and molecular structure of Oumuamua could be explained by it being a hydrogen iceberg. Among other mysteries, that would help solve the question of how it was able to power itself through such distant space, since pure hydrogen gas would have been able to push it like a rocket.
Oumuamua is the first known interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System. Formally designated 1I/2017 U1, it was discovered by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii, on 19 October 2017.
Date of first Q post: 28 October 2017.
Is the Moon drifting away from Earth?
Laser beams unravel a new mystery.
On several occasions during the last decade, scientists have fired laser beams at reflector panels placed about 240,000 miles (385,000 kilometers) away from Earth, on the Moon. By measuring how long it takes laser light to return to Earth — about 2.5 seconds on average — researchers calculate the distance between Earth laser stations and Moon reflectors.
The signals they received back this time indicate that the Earth and Moon are slowly drifting apart at the rate at which fingernails grow or 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) per year. This widening gap is the result of gravitational interactions between the two bodies.