confirm that racist P = PAYSEUR faggot
How's this? kek
You have no clue Baker…
member when all the mod's/bakers/bo were infiltrated and replaced by deep state agents?
42 that's like some racist anti semite [baker] record right there! kek
No no that's just the first bit bro…
Why do you keep trying to suggest that I am either That Baker or against potus?
Tired shit ya racist piece of shit!
All the same, hide behind POTUS, hide behind the movement and you probably hide behind your woman….If I attack Inthematrixxx or some racist piece of shit [faker baker] like you then I must be anti POTUS/Q!
It is not for [you]
It IS for the New eyes before some piece of shit like you either turns them away or makes them think that Qanon allows Racist bakers so it must be Qewl to be a fag…
I believe that you have learned just enough to be dangerous, Anon…
No worries though as you can always simply say "disinfo is necessary" and walk away. kek
Funny how I tend to use Q drops in Q research…
here is another one that is not in notables... kek!
Parts I - V
>>10315164 Understanding Alex Jones/Info Wars, Gatekeepers and the "Shadowgate" video.
>>10315181 Who is Fritz Springmeier The Author of "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"?
>>10315203 Alex Jones/Infowars Vatican coverage was scarce until Pope Francis assumed the Papacy. Coincidence?
>>10315236 IntheMatrixxx/Jeffrey Pederson's obsession with [P] = Payseur and Springmeier's book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".
>>10315256 Why [P] = really looks like it might be Pope, Papacy, Papal Royal Houses (black nobility), Papal orders of Knighthood such as Knights of Malta, Other Papal order such as the Jesuits. Why [P] = does not seem to represent Payseur. Saving Israel and/or [P] for last? What is a Clown?
Q said CIA did it yet in a round about way yet you probably do not like the drops huh muh joo shill?
you mean like this? kek
links a plenty inside that dig…
like I even care if it's noted as I am gonna drop it over and over again either way… oh yes I am! kek
yes like a good little racist baker will do…
It is called educating yet I understand if you have a problem with that.
yeah i am leaf, that's the ticket! yet i do believe that I know who you are…
Why else must P = PAYSEUR + racist tendies and all the rest?
Makes perfect sense to me HOMIE
Yer such a fag that your own brother did not tell you he was getting married… kek
and yer all "I wonder why!?" and "why do they persecute me so?!" and kek and stuffs :D
But Q! THE P MUST = PAYSEUR!!! kek
fritz had two male children… hmmmm
Viktor has a Masters degree in English and I have read your shit so trust me, you ain't Viktor, Scro!
you are all "P = Payseur" and yet you do not know who these people are? uh huh…
VPN on?
If you woke up because of seth rich you are big beef burrito rookie supreme, scro…
yet I am not falling for it as you come on way too strong with your open displays of racism as a baker and your support of P = Payseur, no, you know exactly what you are doing.
meant for
Against jews?
P absolutely must = Payseur because it actually means POPE/PAPAL ROYAL BLOODLINES/PAPAL ORDERS OF NOBILITY and there is one group who are the masters of blaming the jews, guess who that is?
It is Biblical.
When you have been blaming pretty much everything on the Jews for 2000 years it's a habit that is hard to break so when you go all P = PAYSEUR when in reality it seems to mean The Papacy… you are guarding the pope are probably a catholic or paid by the vatican and 1+1 blame the fucking jews!
I know, its like some advanced form of math er something… kek!
Like I believe your profession of Faith here on muh chans! kek!
and you forgot about the useful idiot part… you could be just that as well. I don't care which is which anymoar as I kill them all and let God sort them…
I will pray for you kek
Soros controls the dem party!
Soros takes orders from P!
Some felon con man says Payseur so there it is!?
That's you and your crew in a nutshell as you pretend to be Anons so basically you should just do it, scro kek
No! its good so the normies realize that notes do not matter and that we are FAR BEYOND THE NEED FOR PROOFS…. can you dig it? kek!!!!