I was going over drops/crumbs. The redshoe club are satanic And into the sacrifice aspect of it all. The medallion that Maria Vanderbilt wore Is used in sacrifice ceremonies. Why all the body parts trinket symbols and animals are the little metal symbols around the neck. The 1850’s coresponds to people getting into occult shit during that time period to late 1800’s w Thule society and Vril which takes us into Hitler, the Third Reich, ChYna, and nazisism.
So red shoe club specifically refers to sacrifice.
The thing Q was pointing to, similarities between pics of kids in the pool.. the kids in one pic had red feet, red shoes in the other. Not exactly sure why red feet.. some type of torture?
P = PEDOPHILE which is [THEIR] keystone
Gloria* Vanderbilt sorry.
The fuck for?! I have to dig on ancient sacrifice
>Illuminati 1776 Weishaupt
Thanks, looking now
I did not see? that, will have to go back and look for it now 👍