And the Rothschilds answer to?
This nigga answers to P too.
>because they've been trying their damnedest to ignore it's relevance to 97% of their "mysteries"
>Bruh, what if there's like… Reverse Particles that don't actually exist but do?
I know people roll their eyes at it, but you would assume that the people at the VERY top run the profile of a royal family that hold no real assets aside from their bloodline and essentially act as contractual liaison between "galactic planetary land property owners", essentially holding property contact over Earth and "owning" everything on it.
Then again, the idea that all these families sit pretty and merely take the orders towards a higher good is a laugh. It would be a fucking Tarantino movie of bloodline families trying to move up through this cabal ladder to that previous hypothetical family point, which we might as well call P, even if it isn't.
Still want to know the source of that antarctica vid.
What's with all this talk of hydrated vagina lately?
Home of the internet WET pussy. Bitches line up here for digz, while you sucking on dry Bahpmet dick.
>Oh Anon, tell me what happened in Beirut!
>Any time baby, take a seat
Baphomet dick stuck right in your mouth faggot, finna get all that demon cum out between your teeth.
Get outta here Providence shill