nah, you faggot kike bitch.
just knew you'd bite like the good little bitch you are.
(33) red text kike.
nah, you faggot kike bitch.
just knew you'd bite like the good little bitch you are.
(33) red text kike.
do you really think that reverse psychology, weak ass fucking projection works?
oh, that's right, you're a kike so of course you do.
>derp, exposing and talking about kikes means you're a kike
imagine being that fucking retarded.
>backing the illegal rothschild-backed state of israel
>claims others are shills
hot take.
kill yourself.
>going to use muh supreme pilpul on this goy here
>a book written by (((them))) says it's not (((them)))
top kek.
top tier retardation.
guess they weren't really friends then
>does the THOUGHT of Satan exist? - Q
you stupid fuck, it's literally all a larp and the elites use it to control people.
kikes are among the worst at this so if anything, Q is saying that the kikes want everyone divided by race
the fucking vatican even created islam you dense faggot kike.
try looking into the british role in the muslim brotherhood and it's always the same kike rothschilds behind it.