Sounds like the State BAR Association might need a word with the judge so she can explain to them why she feels an EO does not apply to her
Must be different shift. Last night your little boycott effort resulted in sales of Israeli chocolate. Use the same copypasta but don't talk to each other apparently.
Did you really think that slime for sauce and the bullshit posted was going to do you any good? Such utter nonsense. Do proceed, watching your credibility vaporize is most enjoyable
Well, at least you are trying new material. About time.
Awww, how much you fail. Anons see the little hate mongering you try and know what it is you are trying to do. Doesn't work though, has never worked. Anons are not divided. Anons know eligion has nothing to do with what the digs are about. Anons know you for the division shills you are. The best part is the curious new arrivals showing up see you outed so quickly and all you ever have is the same old crap. Lame and weak and then fun to poke. Trying so hard, failing, and becoming nothing more than toys for our amusement. Show us so more of that fossilized crap you been throwing for three years, got visitors need to watch you recycle to see how powerless you really are.
Saw this one last night. Yawn. Very weak attempt. More fail for you.
Strange that you think you know what a valid argument is. All I see out of you is regurgitated hate propaganda with pond scum for sauce. Recycle more, we need more laughter around here, at your expense of course.
When everything else craps out, go for the emotional response. Right outta da playbook. So weak, so ineffective. I would ask if you can get any more lame but then you'd take it as a challenge
Recycle, recycle, recycle. The Greta Award for reusing sewage goes to you!
You really can't see what a botched job that second one is?
Shill team spotted