We come bearing witness to the Creator, my friends. And yet the Creator is not as you have pictured Him. He is not a judge, He is not a man, nor, my friends, is He a woman. He is not a being. My friends, we bear witness to love. We bear witness to all that there is which is love. This is the understanding that we have come so far to share. And why, my friends, do we come among you at this time to speak of love?
You, my friends, approach a planetary death and a planetary birth. For as the cycles grow in your time and your space, in the locality of your present existence, the time and space has rolled around for a vibrational change. Not my friends, a vibrational change as you would understand it. We are not speaking of physical things but of the energy which creates physical things. It is difficult to explain to you of the vibrational change in which death and life are transformed while the physical body continues to die and live. And yet, this is what we bring to you. And we bring it [to] you because so many among your peoples, my friends, know that there is something beyond the physical body and the physical death. There is something that is more than the brief span of their lifetime and the brief span of experience in this lifetime.
My friends, the answers to the questions you seek are all about you, written in the holy works in all of what you call your religions and philosophies. Many, many teachers walk the Earth at this time who speak the truth and yet, my friends, so disillusioned have your people become that your people no longer believe in their books, nor their leaders. They do not even believe, totally, in the inner voice that compels them towards the seeking for that which is beyond life and death.
We come mostly, my friends, because your peoples can understand our presence with more ease than they can understand books and your orthodox teachings. We have come to add our voice of truth as we know it to the many voices of the same truth as it is known already. We come by the millions, my friends. Far across the universe, across your galaxy, and across the reaches of other times and other space, there are many civilizations who have crossed into a vibration in which the truth of the Creator is obvious. Where this is so, my friends, beings have no choice except to turn to a life of service to others. With understanding of the Creator, my friends, comes the information that all your needs will be taken care of. Thus we have no more needs. We have meat and drink, as it says in your holy works, that your people know not of [1], because our vibrational change made it possible for us to create that which was needed by thought. We no longer have need of government as you know it for we can communicate our desires to a central computer which does the will of the people instantly. We are then free, my friends, to love. Love of others is much easier, my friends, when you can see the vibration of love in each of your brothers and sisters. The selection of a mate, my friends, is much easier when you can see the connection going back many, many lifetimes with your appropriate partner. One by one, my friends, those things which you call problems are solved by the application of divine love shedding light, shedding truth, shedding enablement on the so-called immobile lifespan. We are now free in spirit as a people. What we wish to do is our work of service. We have no need mentally or physically or emotionally; then our needs must become spiritual. And we find that we can only satisfy the spiritual desire for increased understanding by service to others. For this we must look outward, my friends, if you wish to use that expression. Outward across the voids between civilizations until we find one such as yours that is crying out at this time for the knowledge which we have to share. And so we are here.