Doctor’s Forum on HCQ Fights Back Against Facebook — Obliterates Garbage ‘Fact-Check’ Site on Deeply Flawed Analysis that Has Killed Thousands
You can’t hide the truth forever.
At some point the people in America and the world will wake up and see they were lied to about the coronavirus and its treatment.
And at some point the so-called experts and their supporters will be held to account.
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier.
The latest international analysis of hydroxychloroquine treatment on the coronavirus shows countries that endorsed early use of the drug had a 77.4% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a complete lie with deadly consequences!
America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives.
That could have been lowered, by possibly tens of thousands of lives, if HCQ use would have been promoted in the United States.
Random claims about connections. They make random claims about connections with other Twitter accounts because they were referenced as providing feedback, an implied ad hominem attack.
False analysis claims. “The authors made all of their calculations using the sample size of 2.7 billion people, based on the population sizes of countries in both groups, which invalidates all their statistical analyses and the conclusions they drew from them.” Nothing about this is correct. The entire population is used in only one instance, where we present the relative risk for the entire population in each group (which is approximately the same as when averaging across countries).
Claims a sample size of 19. The number of deaths alone in the countries analyzed is over 300,000.
Claims missing details with no examples. However, this is a very simple analysis and we believe that all data and details to reproduce the results are provided.
Incorrectly claims IFR should be used. Authors apparently did not read the paper which explains why case statistics are not reliable.
Incorrectly claims not a randomized clinical trial. Indeed, it’s not a clinical trial, but we have never said it is. Authors are confusing “clinical” with “controlled”. It’s a trial – a medication is certainly being trialed. It’s controlled – there is a control group. It’s randomized – the group a person gets is random and chosen in advance, independent of their medical status or the membership of the other group (in contrast to a retrospective observational study).
Irrelevent ecological fallacy discussion. Claims ecological fallacy (you cannot directly infer the properties of individuals from the average of a group), however the study does not do this.
Claims “observational ecological analysis”. However this is a prospective study – assignments were done in advance, a person’s assigment was random, independent of their medical status, and there is a control group.
Ignores adjustments. Authors note the demographic differences between countries, failing to note that we actually adjust for these.