Q seems to be sharply pro-war-ish, and I'm pretty anti-war, that said, I still support the efforts to knock out human trafficking (I do not, however, support the undemocratic warmongering).
That said, he keeps saying 'learn our comms', so here's my rundown of what I think it means (would be nice if Q would confirm):
CLAS -Classification
CLAS +3 -Classification above top secret (3 is 'top secret', +3 is 'above top secret)
CONF -Confirmation, may also be 'confirmed' or 'conference', but confirmation is my bet.
APRIL SHOWERS -Airstrikes/Missile strikes (in April)
AWAN -Possibly Airforce W____ Army Navy (I don't know what the W could stand for).
SA -Although Saudi Arabia is mentioned, Q is referring to Saudi Arabia's financing of the Clinton Foundation
Define Kickback -Where a person receives a benefit/bonus/profit for selling goods/services. In this case, Hillary Clinton receives money from Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia receives free/discounted weapons from America, which it then sells on to wartorn countries.
RED/GREEN -Green light, red light, or basically yes/no.
Sparrow -Russia (I think?)
CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 -Classification Security 11A (not sure what 11A means) Page 2, section 2. Likely refers to a classified document of some sort.
GOOG -Although people point out it means Google (which is technically correct), it refers to Google stocks, which In-Q-Tel originally invested in. Is this where we, then, get the word 'Q' from?