Anonymous ID: 69bf3d April 27, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.1213055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree. The rule of law has been thrown out and this is a one time shot. We are removing slush funds, NK, Syria, Iran, China, Ru, or any other nation our elected officials have created artificial wars with because our IC has blackmailed them or they are just pure evil. This "you have more than you know" does what? Does he want us to write a book? Scream and holler on twitter and keep calling the crooked who wanted to assassinate our president names? The multi-faceted fronts, as you say "if this fails" screams to me be prepared to fight combat style because I will not lie down to these sadistic fucks. I trust the plan, but the obvious slapping Americans in the face day after day defies logic of any reasonable person to withhold their anger. We can vent and trust, but we don't need to be mocked with what I think many have thought. There was a phone hub and with all the tech geniuses involved in the scheme it would be the easiest to figure access to a central account. I surmised this months ago, but was blown off of course because it was too obvious. This is what I notice too. People complicate shit to losing sight of the objective. God bless all souls and protect those suffering at the hands of evil in this time of struggle. Amen!

Anonymous ID: 69bf3d April 27, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.1214756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772


I think he is a decoy keeping the dirtbag lawyers in a box who can't cause havoc while huber and IG, Watnick (?) are dirtbags. The funny thing about it all. The whole system is corrupt, so he is taking the least shit sandwich and playing the game. Someone fucked up so they had to do a raid on Cohen or some shit. But who knows, Cohen seems to be connected to some other evil shit.