Anonymous ID: 7c2d7f May 11, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.1374133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Helps to actually pay attention to the crumbs.


What is the white hat OP in simple form but WW global housecleaning. And goes without saying it links to politicians globally, not just in DC.


Where is the concentration of military rats and paid clown driven third party contractors, terror cells and black op rebels?? What are they reduced to? What is "Iran's Next?"


Why is it bad that Israel is targeting Iranian black op facilities, bases, rocket launchers and ammo dumps, wherever they are located? Why are all allies condemning Iranian/black op attacks against Israel and no one is condemning Israel?


Because they are on board? They are housecleaning? The entire Middle East is being freed. The world. Why shouldn't that include Israel? Why? Do you think Israel has been given the opportunity, like the rest of the world, to be freed from captivity? Because according to Trump and Q this is a WW operation.



Notice the Iranian lawmakers were the ones burning the American flag in their chambers while the Iranian people tweeted thank yous to Trump. Do side by side comparisons. THEM v. ?Facilities or civilians?


This is why we are safer. They have already declared their desire to obtain weapons of mass destruction. They plot to destroy us and their motto is "Death to America."


This makes it even clearer:


RE Iran's weaponry:

"An inter-continental missile is not needed to blow up Jerusalem. It is needed to blow up New York."

John Hagee, CUFI


And 5/8 Q Post RE POTUS (who stands with the Iranian people) on taking control of Iran:


"…Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM."


So who is THEM? Where do They hide and have their shit? What military action(s)?


Sounds like everything is on target to me. Those whining and talking shit are not with Q.



A lot of THEMS will soon face Justice.

Stay focused. Avoid going out in the weeds. The whole world is changing.

peace & blessings

Anonymous ID: 7c2d7f May 11, 2018, noon No.1374308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441


Watch all of those countries fold on Iran. They already know it. Not so powerful without our money. Haha


Watch the EU collapse. EU is THEM too. One of their biggest operators.

Gorging on the world citizen's money.

Herding all of us, WW, into a [kill zone]


Good movie. Get the popcorn.

Thanks for the heads up Q.


Citizen Brexit.

Anonymous ID: 7c2d7f May 12, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.1381835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If they seize it, it also goes into receivership and they get to appoint a new CEO and make its business decisions. I would hope that would include gutting it's spy tech and putting an end to censorship and bridge softwares and all the other shitty things they do. So I hope you're right. But at the moment, he's in the middle of getting sued for billions, so maybe they'll let that run its course first. hahaha Q did say something about collapsing under the weight of its own illegal activities.