Anonymous ID: 92cda5 May 1, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.1267242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ever notice how countries that don't have nukes get CIA'd?


Ever wonder how USA can give billions every year to a country that did not sign the non-nuke proliferation treaty, aka Symmington?


Ever wonder how Q can be anti-Rothschild, yet whole heartedly support the terrorist country Roth's created?


I see what is going on, and it does not match what I am being told.


Boom? Hitlery indicted last year?


Ever wonder why Larry Siverstein and 9/11 are not part of Q's discussion?


Ever wonder why Q only "reveals" conspiracy that is already well known?


What I see is Commies vs Zionists.


I would like to trust the plan, but what I see is ZOG at work.


Foreign collusion, isn't that what Aipac is?