How many different looks does she have?
Everytime I see her it's like it's a different chick.
How many different looks does she have?
Everytime I see her it's like it's a different chick.
I still say #2 is Krazy Kate.
Her right tit side mole could be a match.
Or, I'm just seeing things that aren't there.
You're prolly right but the connection in the coomer section of my brain refuses to break.
It's delicious and I care so bye bye to your we.
kek how many beatings can the Bernie Bros endure at this point?
Wasn't a b2b hive mind (kek did not will it) but 1st thought I had, too.
Yeah, she's a dummy that's no dummy she knows what stink she was temporarily causing there.
It's the greatest playground of ideas ever.
You just have to make your way through all the rubble.
It's not for everybody so those types just hate on it instead.