Anonymous ID: 3d113c Aug. 19, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.10347400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7701

Did anyone else think it particularly significant that President Trump spoke of Qanon followers and the issue of the Democrat cities? There are a number of important issues discussed here, but he called out the events in Democrat cities particularly, I think.


In light of his remarks about taking care of those cities in 24 hours if asked for help I think he is alluding to the use of the military (NG especially as mentioned in Q drops) to quell the coup. Something like what the early Q drops led me to anticipate.

Anonymous ID: 3d113c Aug. 19, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.10347983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10345072 (pb)


For whoever was getting harsh about Ivanka apparently praying at the Western Wall: Perhaps none of us should judge as we do not know the inside story of her faith journey.


The Yael/Jael name is very meaningful. I'm not thinking about goats, either. If you bother to see who she was in Biblical history her story is unique and powerful. Deborah had prophesied that Sisera would fall to the hand of a woman since Barak had asked her to help him by going into battle with him. She complied but warned that Sisera would fall by the hands of a woman.


The death of Sisera has allusions to the crushing of satan's head, it seems to me. The victory was accomplished miraculously, but it took a woman's resolve to seize the opportunity.


I think the story is one for today.