It seems to me that Carter Page is either retarded, or playing a game, betting his freedom on it.
Why is he eager to be interviewed, why did he write a book (which probably is full of BS), and why are smart people like Bartiromo hanging on his every word?
Maria even said in her interview that it's a fact that he was a Clown asset, then skipped over that, not asking the pertinent question - what did you do for the Clowns? Did the Clowns plant you in the Trump campaign?
No, no, not a whisper about this from Maria.
She (and others) are putting him on a pedestal, poor, poor, Carter, KC and the sunshine band at the FBI lied about you to get a FISA warrant, and spied on you for a year or more. How horrible! You were just doing your job (don't tell us what it was), and those meanies from the FBI invaded your privacy!
So what game is Carter playing, by being so out there in the news?
Anyway, some anons were asking who told KC to alter the email, well look at the TOE of the DOJ - he and Sally Moyer, as National Security Branch Attorneys, reported to Trisha Anderson, General Counsel, who reported to James Baker, who reported to Andy at the time of the email altering. Go figger.