Concur. Militia of the several States does monitor here, but without dire emergency (known as ALL CHANNEL ALL CALL) will use every other means of communication to send forth any such call to Muster. Be advised, a Call to Arms is the most serious, and if seen here in type would explain the sound of guns (yes, artillery) anons would hear. That has to be by Vote, Muster must be called first. Only way prior is response to attack, and that is where things get real ugly
Why is that notable now when I posted that and many other details weeks ago?
It's like the anon went nuts with measurements to land a mark on another island to somehow magically hit the foundations of a WW2 gun emplacement.
Get some port names, boat names, and maybe some cays visited. Three boatfags so far, we might have a look later. This one must sleep. Call me crabby but not chasing down phantoms. Try the boatfag references posted in the bread headers for your own luck