Anonymous ID: de0214 Aug. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m. No.10354193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4275

>>10354078 (LB)

In truth I don't even know what the number is at this point as I stopped keeping track right around the transition here. I only kept them originally just to keep track of everything I was posting in the case someone later accused me of some bullshit but after the transition I stopped tracking it because I noticed an interesting thing that is still happening even now, today even, and it is completely unexplainable to me given the topics I usually delve into which tend to be similar to each other but not things I would expect people to initially gravitate toward.


But I am noticing, have noticed I should say, that I will go through a long process of researching some issue, for example I put together the collage about Chelsea Clinton and the odd mosquito situation, hell, in 2017, and then I sat on it because there was nothing else going on after that. Then recently with the Gates push I decided to recheck that issue and sure enough there was movement on it. So I had planned to make another big collage on it but this time with an update, this time with a big portion on the Laythem situation, and so on, and out of the blue another anon beat me to the punch and then the fucking media weighed in on it.


And again, just to add, this happens quite a bit and isn't some random thing. So I got to thinking about it and ran through my usual "WTF" checklist and came down to two possibilities. The first is that someone is watching me work and I am just so interesting that they feel compelled to take said work but of course I am not interesting and my process would put anyone to sleep considering how much I put into it so I ruled that out while laughing about how much it would suck for that person if they had to sit around watching that process unfold. But then the option was considered that makes the most sense and that is that these other anons, real anons that is, they have become or are simply as good of a researcher as I am, see the world and patterns like I do, can deduce and infer the direction a story will go merely by innate understanding, and from there they/you follow either an exact or similar pattern to research. That blew me away on many levels and not for some arrogant reason but rather because I know how different my process is from the norm given life experience so to meet even one would be a "WTF" let alone it happening as much as it does.


So I think there actually MAY be something to this hive mind claim brought up all those years ago. Not in a literal sense but more so that when you pack a room full of people who see the world so uniquely and can accurately predict events and directions of an issue merely by innate understanding and how one sees the world it becomes a situation where I THEN can fully understand why they see this research as such a threat. Because they have nothing that can counter it, literally nothing.

Anonymous ID: de0214 Aug. 19, 2020, 11:03 p.m. No.10354320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some "anons" are showing up with susuchains, need to make sure anons know not to click that shit. Do not click it.

Anonymous ID: de0214 Aug. 19, 2020, 11:06 p.m. No.10354348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy shit, look at all these would be shill posts being susuchained. Are you guys seeing this? They are being actively tracked at this exact moment and don't even realize it.