Start watching who disavows QAnon (Liz Cheney) - those are the people that claim to be in the POTUS inner circle but are in fact not. Many in the POTUS inner circle don't like QAnon because they think we have too much influence on Q+ but they never publicly disavow others in the President's circle of trusted advisors.
Quads don't lie. Never ever would a Cheney be in President Trump's inner circle.
Look at the result of 'peaceful protesters'. The world now sees. Peaceful protests = we didn't kill anybody. The Dems are being exposed for what they are - puppets of Cabal violence to destroy America.
Columns build walls…
Khazerian/Bolshevik/Sanhedrin programming. LGBT galore. BLM galore. Everything that is perverse and anti family is created from these corporations.