Anonymous ID: 5ed0d0 Aug. 20, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.10362317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2357 >>2369 >>2554 >>2649

Clinesmith Gets The Wolfe Plea Deal…


Something is rotten here.

Boasberg said he would recuse himself, but both parties declined.

He also said the Max penalty is 5 Years in Prison, but the "sentencing guidelines" say 0-6 months.

Boasberg 'could' ignore the guidelines & go w/ 5 years.

Why would the DOJ not accept his offer to recuse.

If the judge ignores the guidelines (which would be reasonable given the gravity of the case) & goes for the max, Clinesmith could have this overturned on appeal claiming bias by the court due to him deceiving the FISC.


This does not bode well for any future actions.

My guess is a slap on the wrist is coming, FOR CONSPIRING TO SPY ON THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

Anonymous ID: 5ed0d0 Aug. 20, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.10362560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2624 >>2649

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’


A Waco, Texas, woman arrested last week and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated​ appears to have been motivated by the QAnon conspiracy theory President Donald Trump spoke positively of during a White House press conference Wednesday.


According to arrest affidavits first reported by the Waco Herald-Tribune, 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car just after 9 a.m.​ Wednesday with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to ​hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her ​minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then ​targeted a second unrelated ​vehicle, a Dodge Caravan ​driven by a 19-year-old college student​. Fulbright chased ​the student into a parking lot​ where she cornered​ and repeatedly rammed ​the Dodge Caravan​.

R​ight W​ing W​atch spoke by text message to Texas-based lawyer Mark Mueller, an acquaintance of Fulbright who originally befriended her in the Austin music and art scene.


On Aug. 6, Fulbright sent Mueller an “out of the blue” message containing a link to download the Trump 2020 campaign app. Mueller said he subsequently argued with Fulbright about Trump’s political competency and during the argument​, she claimed that Trump was “literally taking down the cabal and the pedophile ring.”


“One by one,” Fulbright wrote to Mueller. “What President has EVEN TALKED ABOUT IT? It’s been going on for centuries.”


Many followers of QAnon and its associated myriad conspiracy theories baselessly believe that a cabal of politicians and celebrities including Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, and Oprah Winfrey are trafficking children, sexually assaulting them, and even consuming their blood in elaborate rituals. QAnon believers often posit that​ Trump and a team of high-level military operatives are engaged in a decades-long secret war with this villainous “cabal” and its associated “deep state.” Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory imagine Trump as a savior figure and often equate criticism of the president with support for pedophilia and infanticide.

(RWW = hard left)


Here we go!

Expect many more of theses hard hitting investigative pieces.
